Viewing page 177 of 300

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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

17823 | N/- | Central Africa, Flail. | P16/28-11-13 7/6 | 8-6
17824 | GX/-| Central Africa, Funnel. | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 
17825 | Y/- | S.E. Africa, Charm cov'd beadwork | L18/7-12-10| 10-0
17826 | Y/- | S.E. Africa, Charm cov'd beadwork | W22/26-1-09 |  8-0 
17827 | Y/- | Africa, Fetish | W22/26-1-09 | 8-0 
17828 | Y/- | [[Assam?]] ? Fetish Horns | W22/26-1-09 | 1-8-0
17829 | G/- | Ashanti Rattle of wicker. | P16/28-11-13 |4-0
17830 | G/- | Ashanti Fetish Box of hide.  Lagos | P16/28-11-13 |  4-0 
17831 | G/- | Zulu Snuff bottle covered beadwork. | Y4/12-12-08 | 2-0
17832 | G/- | Zulu Cover. wood. |--| 3-0
17833 | G/- | Zulu Cover. |--| 2-6
17834 | Y/- | Fantu Knapsack of hide. | B38/14-6-09 | 2-6
17835 | G/- | Fantu Purse. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-6 
17836 | G/- | Fantu Bag. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-6 
17837 | G/S | Fantu Charm Case or Belt pocket | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 
17838 | G/S | Fantu Charm Case or Belt pocket |--| 6-6 
17839 | G/S | Fantu Charm Case or Belt pocket |--| 6-6 
17840 | G/S | Fantu Charm Case or Belt pocket | W22/25-1-09 | 6-0 
17841 | G/S | Fantu Charm Case or Belt pocket | W22/25-1-09 | 6-0 
17842 | M/S |     Band of plaited human hair. |--| 17-6
17843 |  /S | W. Africa, Whip ? of hippo hide. |--| 2-0
17844 | GX/-| Solomon Breast Ornament, shell, damaged.|D16/1-6-10| 1-1-0
17845 | GT/-| Solomon Figure-head.  | B16/2-4-10 |  1-5-0 
17846 | Y/-/-|Solomon Figure.  | S4/20-10-08 | 2-2-0
17847 | T/S | New Hanover Club.  | D16/1-6-10 | 14-0 
17848 | S/- | New Guinea Comb, carved. C| C12/9-11-10 | 12-6 
17849 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin, shell ex. large |--| 5-0
17850 | N/- | G: New Guinea ? Ear Ornament,tortoise shell |P16/28-11-13| 7-6
17851 | G/GY/S | G: New Guinea Sago Scoup | P16/28-11-13 |  3-15-0
17852 | G/A/-  | New Caledonia, Adze | G6/18-12-08 | 8-10-0
17853 | GA/- | New Caledonia, Spear. K |--| 3-3-0
17854 | G/A/-  | Fiji Ceremonial Spear, carving on haft |--| 3-5-0
17855 | G/GY/S | Fiji Club. [[image]] |--|  3-5-0 
17856 | Y/GI/- | New Zealand Flax Beater, carved. | P16/6-2-11| 6-0-0  
17857 | T/S | New Zealand Flax Beater, plain. | P16/6-2-11| 1-5-0 
17858 | Y/S | New Zealand Dress, black fibre. |--| -10-0

17859 | M/S | Australia Boomerang with projection,Lil-lil [[image]]| F20/22-4-10| 1-2-6  }
17860 | M/- | Australia Boomerang with projection,Lil-lil [[image]]| F20/22-4-10| 1-2-6  }
**Set of 4. 4-10-0  }[[for all]]

Transcription Notes:
17859 and 17860 - unclear how to transcribe code and cost Proofread 11/17 & 12/24 AW