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17253 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17254 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17255 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17256 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17257 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17258 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17259 | /- | East Africa Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6 or -6
17260 | GX/S | Elephant Tusk } 12½ lbs. | D13/4-12-08 | 1-9-0
17261 | GX/S | Elephant Tusk } 12½ lbs. | D13/4-12-08 | 1-8-6
17262 | Y/- | N. America Pouch of leather | H28/21-6-09 | 8-6
17263 | A/- | Malay Spear Haft. No 21178 silver mount figure | S35/4-12-12 | 1-15-0
17264 | G/S | Malay Kris & sheath | Z1/16-12-08 | 10-0
17265 | A/- | Java Kris ivory hilt used with blade 36856 which sec|-- |[[strikeout]]18-6[[/strikeout]]
17266 | S/- | Java Kris fine carved hilt |-- | 15-0
17267 | N/- | Bali Kris | H30/24-8-10 | 1-1-0
17268 | G/G/- | India Elephant Goad "Ankus" massive fine silver work C|F20/24-2-09 | 6-0-0
17269 | G/- | Pair Horns |-- | 7-6
17270 | Y/- | B. N. Guinea Coco-Nut decorated  NE. Coast| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0
17271 | Y/- | B. N. Guinea Head-rest. Collingwood Bay | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0
17272 | G/S | B. N. Guinea Lime Knife | M28/3-5-09 | 4-0
17273 |  /S | B. N. Guinea Nose Ornament | F20/1-8-08 | 4-0
17274 | G/A/- | Mortlock I Hoe "Aufel" Satoan I. |-- | 3-3-0
17275 | G/A/- | New Zealand Tiki whale bone | C23/20-7-08 | 7-10-0
17276 | M/M/- | New Zealand Tiki human bone | C23/30-6-08 | 14-15-0
17277 | Y/GX/- | Spain XVI Cent Rapier. v. long. Daly | D6/3-2-09 | 5-10-0
17278 | Y/GX/- | Spain XVI Cent Rapier. v. long. C|--| 10-10-0
17279 | GX/- | Borneo Blow Tube silver mts. spear-head | N9/17-10-10 | 2-0-0
17280 |  /- | Caroline Necklet. |--| 2-6
17281 | A/-/- | Marquesas Club. K |--| 18-10-0
17282 | Y/Y/- | China "Pa-Kwa" Charms | W22/27-6-08 | 2-9-6
17283 | M/GX/- | Congo Charms. 2. | W22/27-6-08 | 1-0-0 or 4-0-0
17284 | Y/S | Tibet Bell | C11/15-5-09 | 5-0
17285 | G/Y/S | New Zealand "Pouwhenia" | P16/6-2-11 | 2-15-0
17286 | GY/S | Samoa Knife edged with shark teeth | F20/25-3-11 | 1-10-0
17287 | G/-/- | S. America Blow Tube | H17/19-9-08 | 1-10-0

17288 | Y/Y/- | Brazil Club. engraved [[image]] }  | C11/15-5-09 | 4-4-0
17289 | G/-/- | Brazil Club. grass bound        }[[Col?]] | C11/15-5-09 | 1-10-0
17290 | GX/- | Brazil Club. plain              }   | C11/15-5-09 | 15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 11/13 AW