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17291 | G/G/- | Brit Guiana Club. large with wrist loop | C11/15-5-09 | 1-10-0
17292 | GX/- | Brit Guiana Club. small C| N9/17-10-10 | 16-0
17293 | N/S | Brazil Club wood marked with patterns | F20/20-4-09 | 1-18-0
17294 | GX/- | S. America Whistle of bone | N9/17-10-10 | 1-18-0
17295 | Y/S | S. America Pouch C| N9/17-10-10 | 8-0
17296 | G/T/S | N. America Pipe Tomahawk | B30/22-7-08 | 2-2-0 
17297 | GX/S | Herero Scoup. ex large | N9/17-10-10 | 1-0-0
17298 | GY/- | Sulu Pipe v. fine C| F20/17-6-11 | 1-17-0
17299 | G/GX/- | Sumatra Sword pierced blade gold mount Quoted C| S35/10-3-11 |  4-15-0
17300 | G/GX/- | Tahiti Stone Pounder[[circle]]M/GX/- White King[[/circle]]C|H51/5-18-[[?]]|[[strikeout]]5-5-0[[/strikeout]]4-10-0
17301 | GX/- | Samoa Wig | F20/25-3-11 | 2-12-0
17302 | GI/- | SE. Africa Kewlkerry of rhino horn ex fine|--| 6-6-0
17303 | I/- | SE. Africa Kewlkerry of rhino horn | L10/7-5-10 | 2-5-0
17304 | G/-/- | SE. Africa Axe of rhino horn |-- | 8-10-0
17305 | GX/- | Eskimo Bird Spear ivory v. fine C| H28/2-8-14 | 2-10-0
17306 | G/GX/- | Raratonga Whisk handle of carved bone K|--| 25-0-0
17307 | N/- | Marquesas Ear Plug K|--| 4-0-0
17308 | T/-/- | New Zealand Chiefs Feeding Funnel K|--| 35-0-0
17309 | GM/-/- | New Zealand Whistle carved all over |F20/3-10-08| 35-0-0
17310 | A/-/- | New Zealand Trumpet | F20/3-10-08 | 22-10-0
17311 | N/N/- | New Zealand Flute| F20/3-10-08 | 13-10-0
17312 | G/-/- | Tahiti Bread fruit Splitter | C11/17-12-09 | 3-0-0
17313 | GT/- | Tibet Skull Cup. | W22/27-6-08 | 2-2-0
17314 | GY/- | Tibet Gong | W22/27-6-08 | 16-6
17315 | GY/S | Tibet Charm Case  } Penn | P16/6-2-11 | 1-10-0 }
17316 | I/- | Tibet Charm Case   }      | P16/6-2-11 | 1-5-0  } 2/15/- [[for both]]
17317 | GA/- | Tibet Ink Pot & Pen case | W22/27-6-08 | 1-7-6
17318 | T/S | Tibet Prayer wheel. |Penn P16/6-2-11 | 1-10-0
17319 | N/- | New Guinea Decapitating Knife | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0
17320 | GY/S | New Guinea Adze. Boarigoli T. Musgrave R. C| P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0
17321 | T/- | New Guinea Charm. v. large carved all over | F9/2-4-10 | 10-0
17322 | S/- | New Guinea Charm. | F20/1-8-08 | 12-0
17323 | GT/S | Fiji Cannibal Fork. | F20/1-8-08 | 1-5-0
17324 | G/-/- | Tunis Drum inlaid pearl | W8/2-4-09 | 1-12-6
17325 | N/- | Tunis Whirling Dirvish Peg. |-- | 1-7-6
17326 | A/- | India Sword. | P16/6-2-11 | 1-15-0
17327 | G/- | S. Africa Maui Ornament. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-6
17328 | A/- | S. Africa Axe rare form C | B38/14-6-09 | 1-0-0

Transcription Notes:
[[Proofread 11/14 AW]]