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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

18659 | GX/- | Assam Bag | F20/9-9-11 18/-| [[crossout]]1-0-0 [[/crossout]]

18660 | A/- | Assam Horn C| -- | 1-1-0

18661 | Y/-/- | Nepaul Sacrificial Knife |F20/24/2-09| 5-15-0

18662 | G/-/- | Japanese Pottery Figure | W22/26-1-09 Sold | 1-5-0

18663 |  /- | New Guinea Boar Tusk Charm |R10/8-1-09| 2-6

18664 | Y/-/- | Carved wood Idol & 4 Charms |W22/25-7-08| 2-10-0

18665 | G/T/S | Eskimo Engraved bone Bow K|--|---

18666 | G/-/- | India Dagger silver hilt & sheath |W22/28-11-11| 2-5-0

18667 | S/- | Turkey Powder Primer | -- | 14-0

18668 | GN/GX/- | Tibet Skull Cup on stand |W22/26-1-09 Sold| 16-15-0

18669 | Y/Y/- | S.W. Soudan Ivory Trumpet C|R8/26-11-12| 3-12-6

18670 | GY/- | Japan Metal Beads. 29.C|W22/28-5-10| 1-8-0

18671 | GX/- | England Plug Bayonet. dated 1690 C Sold|L12/8-4-09| 1-1-0

18672 | Y/S | {{England?]] Ivory Figure   14/-  }  8-0

18673 | Y/S | [[England?]] Ivory Figure         }  7-0

18674 | GN/- | Malabar Sword curved [[image]] |--| 2-10-0

18675 | GN/- | Malabar Sword curved [[image]] 31 1/2 |--| 2-2-0

18676 | I/- | Malabar Sword straight broad |--| 1-7-6

18677 | S/- | Malabar Sword straight narrow |--| 1-1-0

18678 | GI/- | Burmese Sword carved ivory hilt. curious carving| M31/28-1-14| 2-15-0

18679 | GI/- | Burmese Sword carved ivory hilt| 3-3-0

18680 | GY/S | Burmese Sword carved ivory hilt,not so fine|--| 2-2-0

18681 | GY/S | Burmese Sword carved ivory hilt,not so fine, modern, heavy| F20/24-9-10| 1-10-0

18682 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18683 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18684 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18685 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18686 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18687 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18688 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18689 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18690 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18691 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---      }
18692 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- | ---       }      
18693 | Y/- | Burmese Spears plain | -- C| ---  8-6 }  

18694 | I/- | Burmese Spears plain silver mount |--| ---  }  2/-/-                                                       
18695 | I/- | Burmese Spears plain silver mount C|--| ---  }  to                                                             
18696 | I/- | Burmese Spears plain silver mount|--| 1-10-0 } 2/10/-

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/1/20!