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[[five column table]]

18051 | GX/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk | D16/1-6-10 | 1-1-0
18052 | GX/- | A. Cent America Stone Mask Soapstone |   | 1-1-0
18053 | X/Y | New Guinea Necklet Coix seeds Oro Bay | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
18054 | X/Y | New Guinea Necklet Coix seeds N.E. Coast | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
18055 | X/Y | New Guinea Necklet Coix seeds | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
18056 | X/Y | New Guinea Necklet Coix seeds | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
18057 | X/M | New Guinea Currency. pink shell | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0
18058 | X/G | New Guinea Currency? shell string on end. | C29/8-12-11 | 5-0
18059 | X/G | New Guinea Belt | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
18060 | X/Y | New Guinea Comb. | B38/14-6-09 | 1-6
18061 | X/G | New Guinea Net small |   | 1-6
18062 | X/Y | New Guinea Head-dress. |   | 7-6
18063 | X/Y | New Guinea Armlet v. broad. black | F16/25-5-11 | 1-0
18064 | X/G | New Guinea Armlet narrow. |   | -6
18065 | G/- | New Britain Wig ? N.B. Beard |   | 17-6
18066 | X/M | New Britain Betel Nut Pestle see #24662 C | F20/18-11-11 | 6-6
18067 | X/M | NG Lime Knife | P16/17-6-12 | 4-0
18068 | X/M | New Guinea Disc of tortoise shell |   | 2-6
18069 | X/S | New Guinea Needle tortoise shell for piercing noses of infants & [[formed?]] part of a girls outfit|--| 4-6
18070 | X/S | New Guinea Needle tortoise shell for piercing noses of infants & [[formed?]] part of a girls outfit C|F20/17-12-10|4-6
18071 | X/M | New Guinea Needle Ter. shell smaller | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0
18072 | X/M | New Guinea Needle Ter. shell smaller | B38/14-6-09 | 3-6
18073 | G/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe Clay C |   | 6-0
18074 | G/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe Clay | H16/25-1-09 | 5-0
18075 | G/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe Clay | H16/25-1-09 | 5-0
18076 | G/S | New Guinea Carved Nut Charm in bag. C. | F16/18-3-11 | 12-0
18077 | G/- | New Guinea Bag containing charms. |   | 7-6
18078 | X/S | New Guinea Bag containing charms smaller. | W22/26-1-09 | 2-0
18079 | G/S | New Guinea Nut Charm. unusual form. | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0
18080 | Y/- | New Guinea C.N. Bowl v. unusual form. |   | 17-6
18081 | Y/- | New Guinea or New Brit Hat? with human hair strings |   | 12-6
18082 | G/S | Caroline Bag dec hair ornamentation. | D16/1-6-10 | 2-0
18083 | G/S | New Hebrides Currency mat. damaged Extra fine old |   | 18-6
18084 | T/- | S America? Tappa Coat Locality uncertain |   | 2-15-0
18085 | T/- | Japanese Hat | [[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]] 16-0
18086 | Y/S | Solomon Wristlet of shells K. | -- | ---  
18087 | G/M/- | S. America Necklet, teeth & feathers. C. | N9/17-10-10 | 1-10-0
18088 | GA/- | W. Africa Tusk Carved. | B38/14-6-09 | 1-4-0