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[[five column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

18127 | G/GA/- | S. India Ayda Kalti. ivory hilt C|S35/17-5-09| 3-10-0
18128 | N/- | India Axe Aboriginal tribes | S35/30-6-13 | 16-0
18129 | S/- | India Cleaver. horn & wood mts. Assam |   | 1-1-0
18130 | GA/- | East India Sword Ilanan C | N9/17-10-10 | 2-5-0
18131 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-10-0
18132 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-7-6
18133 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-15-0
18134 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-7-6
18135 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-15-0
18136 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-7-6
18137 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-2-0
18138 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-0-0
18139 | GY/S | East India Sword Ilanan C |   | 2-10-0
18140 | GX/- | East India Axe Moros Indian Phillipine C|--| 1-12-6
18141 | GX/- | East India Axe Moros Indian Phillipine|E1/10-2-13 | 2-0-0
18142 | M/GX/- | East India War Coat. horn plates Moros Indian Phillipine C| M31/18-1-11 | 10-10-0
18143 | M/GX/- | East India War Coat. horn plates Moros Indian Phillipine C|--| 12-12-0
18144 | M/GX/- | East India War Coat. brass. plates Moros Indian Phillipine C|--| 12-12-0
18145 | GX/- |East India Shield carved inside circular Moros Indian Phillipine C|F20/77-6-09|3-0-0
18146 | GX/- |East India Shield plain Moros Indian Phillipine C| S35/30-6-13 | 2-15-0
18147 | GX/- |East India Shield plain Moros Indian Phillipine C|--| 2-10-0
18148 | Y/- | East India Wristlet of hair. Ilanan |   | 4-0
18149 | G/-/- | East India Sword silver mts. [[image]] |   | 2-2-0
18150 | Y/S | Japan Spear | C7/19-12-12 | 3-0
18151 | Y/S | Persia Spear 2 points |   | 10-6
18152 | Y/S | Persia Spear 2 points |   | 10-6
18153 | G/A/- |Sardinia Gun no lock.|--|[[crossout]]1-18-6[[/crossout]] ^[[2-5-0]]
18154 | S/- | Congo Currency Knife. brass [[image]]|T16/4-1-12| 1-15-0
18155 | Y/- | Ashanti Box of brass. circular | W22/8-3-10 | 15-0
18156 | M/- | Ashanti Box of brass. square. /w gold dust | W22/28-11-11 | 10-6
18157 | Y/- | Ashanti Gold dust Scoop. 4 cornered | W22/8-3-10 | 5-0
18158 | G/S | Ashanti Gold dust Scoop. [[image]] | W22/8-3-10 | 5-0
18159 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-6
18160 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-3
18161 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-3
18162 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-3
18163 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-3
18164 | G/S | Ashanti Gold Weight of brass | W22/28-11-11 | 2-3