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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

19229 | T/S | British Columbia Totem Spoon of horn,inlaid shell |--| 1-10-0
19230 | M/- | British Columbia Horn Spoon, plain C|--| 6-6
19231 | -/S | British Columbia Model Canoe. bark |R12/15-10-09| 1-6
19232 | -/S | British Columbia Model Canoe,bark,small|R12/15-10-09| 1-0
19233 | A/- | Eskimo Model Kyak with two figures C|N9/17-10-10| 15-0
19234 | -/S | British Columbia pair Childs Snowshoes.modern |S4/1-1-12| 1-0
19235 | Y/- | British Columbia Model Paddle |G15/21-5-10| 10-0
19236 | Y/- | Solomon Comb | -- | ---
19237 | T/- | British Columbia Trumpet wood C|--| 1-10-0
19238 | Y/- | British Columbia Netting Needle |H17/14-1-60| 6-6
19239 | G/- | British Columbia Model Totem wood.modern |S4/1-1-12| 1-0
19240 | G/- | British Columbia Leather Bag.beaded | --| 10-0
19241 | I/- | British Columbia Set of Gambling teeth C|--| 1-6-0
19242 | N/- | British Columbia Nose Ornament? circular shell [[drawing]]C|H28/21-6-09| 12-6
19243 | N/- | British Columbia Nose Ornament? circular shell |--| ---
19244 | G/- | British Columbia Implement of bones used in gambling Vanc: C|--| 10-6
19245 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bird Bolas 5 ivory balls Aleutian I.|H17/29-5-09| 2-0-0
19246 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bird Bolas 5 ivory balls Aleutian I.C|D10/14-8-09| 2-0-0
19247 | G/Y/S | Eskimo Bird Bolas 7 ivory balls Aleutian I.C|B30/5-1-10| 1-5-0 or 1-10-0
19248 | M/S | Eskimo Harpoon head.  Blondin Harb N. C|--| 10-0
19249 | C/- | North America Pipe & stem of red stone| C26/2-7-10| 1-10-0
19250 | M/S | Eskimo Harpoon head & line Blondin Harb C|W1/11-10-10| 10-0
19251 | G/GA/- | Eskimo Costume. v.fine Aleutian Isl. C|J9/17-10-10| 3-16-0
19252 | G/GX/- | British Columbia Dancing Robe C|H28/21-6-09| 7-10-0
19253 |  /- | China "Cash" Sword | -- | 5-0
19254 | T/S | British Columbia ceder bark Blanket "Frog design" Q.Char.Isl C|H17/14-1-10| 1-15-0
19255 | Y/S | British Columbia ceder bark Head Fillet Q.Char.Isl. C|--| 1-5-0
19256 |  /- | British Columbia Bone Pin | -- | ---
19257 | Y/- | New Guinea Drum |P16/7-6-13 | 15-0
19258 | I/- | West African Drum skin top broken Gibson|N9/17-10-10| 15-0
19259 | G/S | South African Shield |L10/7-3-11| 4-0
19260 | M/S | Solomon Shield | D16/1-6-10| 17-0
19261 | A/- | Australia Shield | -- | ---
19262 | GA/- | Mandingo Piano | -- | 1-15-0
19263 | GI/- | Assam Dress v.fine seed work C69 C|M31/18-1-11| 1-18-0
19264 | Y/- | Assam Dress velvet  | -- | 10-6
19265 | I/- | 2 Chinese Pictures & Fiji Club | W22/25-2-09 | 12-0
19266 | GX/- | West Africa Drum | N9/17-10-10 | 12-0