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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

19381 | G/- | Cast of chipped Flint Implement Sold|W25/16-9-09| 2-6
19382 | -/S | Australian Necklet of cane tubes Port Adelaide C|P16/27-11-11| 6-0
19383 | -/M | West Africa Trousers |S4/26/10-10| 6-6
19384 | Y/- | Hawaii Quoit Oahu |F6/13-3-09| 1-0-0
19385 | Y/- | Hawaii Cuttle Fish Sinker Oahu C|P4/17-2-10| 1-0-0
19386 | Y/- | Hawaii Cuttle Fish Sinker white stone Oahu C|--| 1-0-0
19387 | Y/- | Hawaii Adze head |K5/3-10-10| 1-16-0 or 1-10-0
19388 | G/- | Fiji Adze head |--| 1-1-0
19389 | G/- | Fiji Adze head,shorter|P16/27-11-11| [[10-0?]]
19390 | -/S | Fiji Adze head short,broad |--| 9-0
19391 | G/- | Fiji Adze head finely finished|K5/3-10-13| 16-0
19392 | G/- | Solomon Adze head San Christoval|--| 15-0
19393 | G/- | New Zealand Adze head small Wairan Valley|--| 7-6
19394 | -/S | Savage Isl: Cuttlefish bait sinker Sold|F6/6-3-09| 6-0
19395 | -/S | New Guinea Clubhead disc Cloudy Bay|--| 6-0
19396 | -/S | New Guinea Adze-head diorite |--| ---
19397 |  /S | New Guinea Adze-head diorite started to be reground|--| ---
19398 |  /S | New Guinea Adze-head small diorite |--| ---
19399 |  /S | New Guinea Adze-head black stone |--| ---
19400 |  /S | North America Axe grooved |H28/2-1-14| 4-0
19401 |  /S | North America Celt |H28/2-1-14| 4-0
19402 |  /S | Ireland Flaking Hammer |--| 5-6
19403 |  /S | Ireland Pounder, white quartz U.S.A. C|--| 4-0
19404 |  /S | South America Axe. green stone Hayti|H28/2-1-14| 8-0
19405 | -/M | Barbadoes Adze-head shell | --| 3-0

19406 |  /- | Somali Flake  } | 6 | 1-6
19407 |  /- | Somali Flake  } |   | 
19408 |  /- | Somali Flake  } |   |
19409 |  /- | Somali Flake  } |   |
19410 |  /- | Waddy Halfa Stone  } |
19411 |  /- | Waddy Halfa Stone  } |

19412 | N/- | Sweden perforated stone axe. large [[drawing]]|B40/13-7-10| 13-0
19413 | G/S | Sweden Celt. rough surface |--| 5-6
19414 | S/- | Jutland perforated stone boat shaped Axe |B40/13-7-10| 1-17-0
19415 | S/- | Jutland perforated stone hammer Axe |B40/13-7-10| 15-0
19416 | A/- | Sweden Hammer-Axe started to perforate|-- | 12-0
19417 | M/- | Sweden Shale or jet Chisel |B40/13-7-10| 7-0
19418 | G/S | Denmark Axe. flint ground all over |B40/13-7-10| 8-0