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[[5 column]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

19837 | Y/- | Upper Nile Throwing Knife blade unfinished,currency |N9/17-10-10| 12-0
19838 | G/- | Upper Nile Club covered hide |P16/28-11-13| 10-0
19839 | G/- | Upper Nile Spear | -- | ---
19840 | G/- | Upper Nile Spear |P16/28-11-13| 4-0
19841 | G/- | Upper Nile Spear |W34/30-1-15| 4-6
19842 | Y/- |Upper Nile War Horn of an Eland horn C|P16/28-11-13| 1-1-0
19843 | G/GA/- | Upper Nile Parrying Shield C|C11/8-8-4-11| 2-18-0
19844 | -/S |    Basket & cover | S4/1-1-12| 1-0
19845 | -/M |    Dish  | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0
19846 | G/- |    Pair Sandals. Arab  |P16/28-11-13| 4-0
19847 | N/- |    Stool very fine  Bari | -- | 17-6
19848 | -/M | Upper Nile Pottery Bottle | -- | ---
19849 | G/GX/- | Upper Nile Harp  |N9/17-10-10| 1-16-0
19850 | GS/- | Upper Nile War Horn.ivory covered skin Latuka|--| 2-0-0
19851 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |P16/28-11-13| 3-0
19852 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |--| 3-0
19853 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |P16/28-11-13| 2-0
19854 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |--| 3-0
19855 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |--| 3-0
19856 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet ivory |--| 3-0
19857 | N/- | Upper Nile Pillow or Stool  Dor[[?]]|--| 15-0
19858 | Y/- | Upper Nile Tobacco Pipe |--| ---
19859 | G/- | Upper Nile Knife & sheath & belt |P16/28-11-13| 4-0
19860 | G/G/- | Upper Nile Parrying Shield  Mundu|B21/31-12-09| 2-0-0
19861 | T/- | Upper Nile Hat dec: with shells  Latuka|P16/28-11-13| 
19862 | G/- | Upper Nile Small Knife & sheath C|P16/28-11-13| 3-0
19863 | M/- | Upper Nile Wrist Knife or Dagger |W29/12-12-10| 1-5-0
19864 | M/- | Upper Nile Wrist Knife with sheath [[image]] Turkana| L12/8-4-09| 1-5-0
19865 | M/- | Upper Nile Wrist Knife with sheath Turkana C|F20/9-9-11| 1-7-6
19866 | Y/- | Upper Nile Finger Knife |L12/8-4-09| 10-0
19867 | G/- | Upper Nile Bell of iron |P16/28-11-13| 3-0
19868 | Y/S | Upper Nile Spool of Cotton |H17/8-10-09| 5-0
19869 | -/M | Upper Nile Necklet of seeds like New Guinea |--| 3-6
19870 | -/M | Upper Nile Necklet of seeds C|P16/28-11-13| 2-6
19871 | GN/- | Upper Nile Armlet ivory.very Massive C|--| 1-1-0
19872 | M/- | Upper Nile Armlet [[drawing]] C|P16/28-11-13| 14-0
19873 | Y/- | Upper Nile Armlet [[drawing]] C|P16/28-11-13| 7-0
19874 | -/S | Upper Nile Armlet thin C|--| 3-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/5/2020 AW