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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

21661 | GX/- | Saracenic Helmet C| S35/20-9-13 | 4-10-0
21662 | A/- | New Guinea Betel nut Mortar.see Pestle #18066 C|F20/18-11-11| 10-0
21663 | M/GX/- | New Zealand jade Bird Spear point finished jade |   | 5-15-0
21664 | G/A/- | China, Jade Pendant. loose centre. | R8/10-9-09 | 2-0-0
21665 | A/- | Exeter Police Staff. Geo IV. | W25/29-12-09| 10-6
21666 | Y/- | East Africa Pot. C| D5/12-12-13| 5-0
21667 | S/- | Eskimo Seal Decoy. | L12/27-10-09 | 1-11-6
21668 | Y/- | America Old Surgeons Lancet in case. | S4/1915 | 10-6
21669 | S/- | N. America Knife Case. beadwork | C26/2-2-10 | 10-0
21670 | T/S | Ceylon Stylus in Case | S4/1915 | 1-1-0
21671 | T/S | W. Africa Comb. figure top. |   | 1-8-6
21672 | T/S | W. Africa Fetish Figure  Basanga| C11/24-6-13| 1-18-0
21673 | G/GX/- | W. Africa Carved ivory, very ancient |W1/3-6-12| 3-6-0
21674 | G/-/- | Fiji Cannibal Feasting Fork. two prong.|L12/11-1-10| 1-15-0
21675 | A/- | Ashanti Brass Figure |   | 16-0
21676 | G/-/- | M. |   | 3-10-0
21677 | G/GX/- | Ashanti Brass Figure |   | 6-0-0
21678 | A/- | Ashanti Brass Figure |   | 1-0-0
21679 | G/-/- | F |   | 4-10-0
21680 | GA/- | S. America Wood Figure  Columbia | H28/12-4-10 | 1-10-0
21681 | T/S | W. Australia Tomahawk.used for climbing trees |T18/20-6-13| 1-1-0
21682 | T/S | W. Australia Churinga | P16/27-11-11| 1-10-0
21683 | GX/- | Ashanti Mask. old. | G15/21-5-10| 1-15-0
21684 | -/T | East Central Africa Ear Ring | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0
21685 | -/T | East Central Africa Ear Ring | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0
21686 | -/T | East Central Africa Ear Ring |   | 2-0
21687 | -/T | East Central Africa Ear Ring |   | 2-0
21688 |  /- | Malay Kris Hilt |   | 4-0
21689 |  /- | Dahomey Cartridge Case. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-6 or 3-0
21690 | G/GA/- | Marquesas Bowl. K|   |   
21691 | S/- | G. New Guinea Drum. carved centre. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-3-0
21692 | GX/- | 1 New Britain Dress. large shell pendant [[drawing]]|   | 2-15-0
21693 | GX/- | 2 New Britain Dress. large shell pendant [[drawing]]|   | 2-7-6
21694 | M/- | 3 New Britain Dress.large shell pendant [[drawing]]small|   | 1-12-6
21695 | Y/S | 4 New Britain Armlet. Boar's tusk |   | 1-0-0
21696 | Y/S | 5 New Britain Belt. dec: cut nafra shell. |   | 1-16-0
21697 | G/S | 6 New Britain Bag dec: cut nafra shell. X|   | 8-0
21698 | G/S | 7 New Britain Bag dec: cut nafra shell.  |   | 12-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/19 AW