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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

21775 | A/- | Europe Ivory carving }  |G15/21-5-10| 10-0  [[for both]]
21776 | A/- | Europe Ivory carving }  |G15/21-5-10| 10-0  1-12-6
21777 | T/GX/- | Marquesas Club. | S31/7-7-11 | 15-10-0
21778 | A/-/- | Marquesas Staff. | [[C16?]]/6-8-10 | 10-10-0
21779 | Y/A/- | North America. Pipe. wood inlaid bone. Brit.Columbia| H28/5-3-10 | 4-15-0
21780 | G/GX/- | England. F.L. Tinder Box. |L12/7-12-09 | 1-12-6
21781 | N/- | Patagonia Bolas Stone. |   | 17-6
21782 | T/S | Patagonia Model Carve & paddle. |   | 12-6
21783 | N/S | Tibet. Rice offering Bowl |   | 7-6
21784 | T/S | S. America Club.wrist loop.Macana B. Guiana. C|   | 17-6
21785 | Y/- | S. America "Wourali" Poison Pot. Amazon. C|   | 4-6
21786 | GA/- | India. Black Buck Horns. |   | 18-6
21787 | T/S | England D.B. F.L. Pistol. damaged. |   | 1-5-0
21788 | G/GX/- | Solomon Club. masks. C|   | 3-3-0
21789 | GG/-/- | New Zealand Tiki with cord & toggle.4¼" C|C11/28-12-13 | 17-10-0
21790 | A/-/- | New Zealand Tiki small. 3¼" C|   | 7-15-0
21791 | G/C/- | New Zealand Club; "Wahaika", carved all over. | P16/29-5-11 | 9-0-0
21792 | Y/GX/- | Europe XVI Cent: "Aulace". Italian.|W23/16-3-12 Sold| 3-3-0
21793 | GG/- | Europe XVII Cent Ivory Box. in form of a ram. |   | 3-3-0
21794 | GX/- | China Hair Ornament. jade flowers. |   | 1-5-0
21795 | N/- | China Hair Ornament. silver |   | 8-6
21796 | N/- | Ancient Egypt. Head Rest for Mummy. |   | 1-15-0
21797 | M/S | Solomon Comb. large. grass work. |   | 16-6
21798 | G/S | Solomon Comb. inlaid shell. |   | 8-6
21799 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Spoon & comb combined |   | 4-0
21800 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Spoon |   | 2-6
21801 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Spoon |   | 2-0
21802 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Box inlaid zinc. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
21803 | G/S | S. Africa Fish Hook. large. | D16/1-6-10 | 9-0
21804 | -/S | Matty I. Fish Hook [[image]] |   | 1-6
21805 | -/S | Matty I. Fish Hook all iron | E1/10-2-13 | 5-6
21806 | Y/- | Matty I. Fish Hook small shell & iron | E1/10-2-13 | 5-6
21807 | Y/- | Matty I. Fish Hook small shell & iron | E1/10-2-13 | 5-6
21808 | G/- | Matty I. Carved Bamboo Needle |   | 4-0
21809 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Flute C | N8/22-9-10. | 6-0-0
21810 | GY/GX/- | New Zealand Jewel Box supported by figure. | G13/27-12-09. | 20-0-0
21811 | GX/- | Australia Shield Victoria |   | 1-15-0
21812 | G/A/- | British Columbia Shale Pipe | C26/2-7-10. | 3-15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/19 AW