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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

21243 | -/S | Java Bronze Finger Ring. |--| 2-0
21244 | G/S | Java Ancient Bronze Cup v.fine patana |B44/13-2-13| 12-0
21245 | G/S | Java Ancient Bronze Cup v.fine patana |M31/18-1-11| 12-6
21246 | -/S | Java Stone Disc perforated |--| -2-
21247 | -/S | Java Stone Disc perforated |--| -2-
21248 | -/S | Java Stone Disc perforated |--| -2-
21249 | -/S | Java Stone Disc perforated |--| -2-0
21250 | -/S | Java Stone Disc very hard stone. |--| 4-0
21251 | G/S | Java Knife & sheath. |--| 6-0
21252 | -/S | Java Work Box. |G15/21-5-10| 3-0
21253 | -/S | Java Spear Head bone point. like Tenimber| 2-0
21254 | N/- | Java Coat fibre cloth old |--| 15-0
21255 | N/- | Java Coat fibre cloth work on back |F20/9-9-11| -15-0
21256 | N/- | Java Coat fibre cloth |--| -10-6
21257 | N/- | Java Coat fibre cloth |--| -10-6
21258 | G/- | Java Piece of fibre cloth. |--| 5-0
21259 | G/- | Java Piece of fibre cloth. |--| 4-0
21260 | G/- | Java Coat black cloth. |S4/26-10-10| 6-6
21261 | M/- | Java Piece of worked cloth |G15/21-5-10| 8/6 8-0
21262 | G/- | Java Piece of cloth. Robe |G15/21-5-10| 10-0
21263 | G/- | Java Piece of printed cloth cotton |--| 15-0
21264 | GX/- | Tibet Dorgi C|R8/20-1-10| 17-6
21265 | G/N/- | East Africa Arm Shield Rua Dancer Ah|--| 4-0-0
21266 | G/Y/- | East Africa Arm Shield smaller. |B21/31-12-09| 3-0-0
21267 |  /- | East Africa Bow  Ancholi |P16/28-11-13| 6-0
21268 | S/GX/- | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Figure 32" high 115 lbs|M31/23-3-10| 12-10-0
21269 | M/GX/- | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Fountain Head. Trough 16" at back, 25" long,19" high,96|M31/23-3-10|7-0-0
21270 | G/T/S | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Elephant God 19" high 48|N9/17-10-10| 2-5-0
21271 | GI/- | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Elephant God smaller 17" high 28|N9/17-10-10| 2-5-0
21272 | G/A/- | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Altar? 14-1/2 61|M31/23-3-10| 2-0-0
21273 | GT/S | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Head, pointed beard.10-1/2 4 1/2|M31/23-3-10| 1-10-0
21274 | GS/- | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Stone Group of 3 heads. 1-3/4|N9/17-10-10| 6-0
21275 | I/S | Ancient India,Greco-Buddhist Head with screen at back. 5|N9/17-10-10| 6-6
21276 | I/- | Ancient India, Greco-Buddhist Head pointed h:dress 2|N9/17-10-10| 6-6
21277 | A/- | Ancient India, Greco-Buddhist Head L 40 [[903?]]|N9/17-10-10| 6-0

21278 | GX/- | Java Ancient Bronze Celt   } C|--| 4-15-0     All in one
21279 | -/S | Java Ancient Bronze Handle  }  |--|---         collection with 21213-22 
21280 | G/- | Java Ancient Copper ring money  }  L12/10/-    

Transcription Notes:
At top of page is written L4 Dr. Schenen [[?]] 3-12-6,16-0 4/-10-0 Items 21244 & 45 patana should be patina? Proofread 12/17 AW