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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

22269 | G/-/- | England F.L. Pistol,silver mount.1777-8 Hadley London|C10/1-2-11| 2-2-6
22270 | N/- | England Curious Early Bayonet | L12/20-10-10| 8-6
22271 | GX/- | Tibet Copper Box.silver emblem. |Sold C25/1-8-10| 1-6-0
22272 | S/- | Tibet Copper gilt Box |   | 10-6
22273 | N/- | Tibet Copper Tray, silver inlay |   | 10-6
22274 | A/- | Niger Currency Brass Armlet with rings.|P16/28-11-13| 10-0
22275 | N/- | W. Australia Axe. C| T18/20-6-13| 2-12-6
22276 | C/- | Eskimo Harpoon. shaft cut.  |   | 2-15-0

22277 | Y/S | England Ladies Stirrups }   |   |[[strikeout]] 5-6 [[/strikeout]] 10/6
22278 | Y/S | England Ladies Stirrups } C|   |[[strikeout]] 5-6 [[/strikeout]]  *[[for both]]

22279 | N/I/- | Ashanti Collection of 130 Gold Weights | G15/21-5-10 | 17-10-0
22280 | N/I/- | Ashanti Collection of 130 Gold Weights|[[written over]]Munich[[/written over]]M31/18-1-11| 17-10-0
22281 | N/I/- | Ashanti Collection of 130 Gold Weights | N9/17-10-10 | 17-10-0
22282 | N/I/- | Ashanti Collection of 130 Gold Weights | P16/28-11-13| 17-10-0
22283 | G/G/- | Ashanti Mask. figure & leopard on top.|Sold G15/21-5-10| 2-10-0
22284 | GY/-  | Congo Stool | N9/17-10-10 | 11-7-6
22285 | Y/- | Japanese Vase given Miss Elling for wedding |   | 16-0
22286 | T/- | N. America Model Canoe. birch bark. Canada.|H26/6-9-10| 2-7-6
22287 | G/- | Savage Island Model Canoe.dec.shells. 55" long.|   | 16-6
22288 | Y/- | England. F.L. Gun | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6
22289 | G/- | W. Africa Fiddle. Old Calabar C| P16/28-11-13| 10-0
22290 | M/- | W. Africa Musical Instrument "Zither"  Ashanti C|P16/28-11-13| 12-6
22291 | GY/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. Langawai| B16/7-12-11| 1-5-0
22292 | G/- | Congo Spear Paddle. shaft fractured |   | 15-0
22293 | -/S | Samoa Paddle. plain|   | 10-6
22294 | -/S |       Paddle. plain | C28/3-12-10| 3-6
22295 | G/- | Pondo Staff snake in relief. |   | 6-0
22296 | -/S | Pondo Staff plain | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0
22297 | -/S | Pondo Staff plain |   | 2-6
22298 | G/- | British Guiana Bamboo Flute. Botocudo|N9/17-10-10| 10-0
22299 | G/A/- | India Pair chain & plate Wrist Guards.|S35/29-6-12| 2-12-0
22300 | GX/- | N. W Australia Churinga. | P16/27-11-11| 1-10-0
22301 | GX/- | N. W Australia Churinga. |   | 2-0-0
22302 | T/S  | Burmah 2 silver Figures |   | 12-6

22303 | G/GX/- | Burmah Bronze Figure |N9/17-10-10| 2-5-0  }  *5-5-0
22304 | G/GX/- | Burmah Bronze Figure |N9/17-10-10| 2-5-0  }  [[for both]]
22305 | A/S | Brazil Club. | N9/17-10-10| 1-2-6
22306 | M/-/- | A. Mexico Obsidian Mask. |Sold S4/26-10-10 | 5-15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/22 AW Items 22279 & 22280 have names written under Date,fourth column.