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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

22497 | A/- | Tibet Vase |Sold W22/28-11-11| 1-17-6
22498 | GM/- | Java Kris. sheath covered embossed brass.|S35/10-3-11| 1-2-6
22499 | A/- | Java Kris. Mount. pierced brass. |   | 15-0
22500 | G/-/- | Burma, Votive Stupa.wood gilt,29 Figs.40" high. 11" dia. 28|N9/17-10-10| 6-10-0
22501 | Y/S | Burma Buddha covered silver 29 |   | 10-0
22502 | Y/S | Burma Buddha covered silver 30 |S52/25-9-16| 14-6
22503 | Y/S | Burma Buddha covered silver inscription head|   | 10-0
22504 | Y/GX/- | S. India Set of 10 Stone Carvings Travancore H| N9/17-10-10 | 8-10-0
22505 | GI/- | S. India Set of 7 Stone Carvings I|N9/17-10-10| 3-0-0
22506 | G/T/- | S. India Large Stone Figure 23½x13½" J|N9/17-10-10| 5-10-0
22507 | GI/- | S. India Large Stone Figure granite 18"x11" K|N9/17-10-10| 2-10-0
22508 | GI/- | S. India Buddha. shrine back. stone.16x9½" O|N9/17-10-10| 1-10-0
22509 | GI/- | S. India Standing Figure 13" high. S|N9/17-10-10| 1-10-0
22510 | G/-/- | S. India Cobra Shrine "Nagur Sawmi" figure in front Travancore L|N9/17-10-10| 2-10-0
22511 | GA/- | S. India Cobra Shrine 15" high Travancore M|N9/17-10-10| 1-10-0
22512 | GA/- | S. India Cobra Shrine 15" high broader base Travancore N|N9/17-10-10| 1-10-0
22513 | N/GX/- | S. India Lingham-Yoni black stone.31" high 26" long 18" dia.3 Cent?!!Y|N9/17-10-10| 19-0-0
22514 | G/- | S. India Lingham-Yoni very small 2| F20/24-9-10| 10-0
22515 | G/- | S. India Lingham-Yoni larger. 1| W22/28-11-11| 10-6
22516 | G/- | S.India Bronze Bell with bell clapper.2|W22/28-11-11| 7-6
22517 | G/- | S. India Bronze Bottle 3|   | 6-6
22518 | G/- | S. India Slate Book & pencil. dec. covers 21|S4/1915| 2-6
22519 | Y/- | S. India Painted Figure winged Animal 19| S4/1-1-12 | 8-6
22520 | Y/- | S.India Painted Figure 3 heads 4 missing 20 |C20/1-7-16| 7-0
22521 | Y/- | S.India Painted Figure Snake Charmer 16| C20/1-7-16| 7-0
22522 | Y/- | S.India Painted Figure "Ubhuya" 17| C20/1-7-16| 7-0
22523 | Y/- | S.India Painted Figure hand raised | C20/1-7-16| 7-0
22524 | Y/- | S.India Painted Figure on Elephant.15|F20/24-9-10| 10-0
22525 | -/S | S.India Painted Figure small 18|C20/1-7-16| 2-6
22526 | -/S | S.India Painted Figure small Bali Krishna|C20/1-7-16| 2-6
22527 | Y/- | S.India Model Model Jaugganant Car. 14|F20/24-9-10| 15-0
22528 | N/- | S.India Painted Club used by Devil Dancers 7|N9/17-10-10| 15-0
22529 | N/- | S.India Painted Club used by Devil Dancers 8|F20/24-9-10| 15-0
22530 | N/- | S.India Painted Club used by Devil Dancers |C11/20-9-11| 12-0
22531 | N/- | S. India Painted Club used by Devil Dancers |W22/28-11-11| 16-6
22532 | N/- | S.India Cloth used by Devil Dancers 5|W22/28-11-11| 17-6
22533 | Y/- | S.India Cloth used by Devil Dancers | F20/24-9-10 | 16-0
22534 | Y/- | S.India Cloth used by Devil Dancers | N9/17-10-10 | 15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/22 AW