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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

22003 | T/S | New Zealand preserved pigeon Gourd. |   | 1-5-0
22004 | G/-/- | New Zealand Flax Beater, wood. |   | 1-15-0
22005 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Bone Meri. | L21/22-1-14 | 2-15-0
22006 | A/-/- | Mexican Saddle. complete. silver mounts [[?almt]] | A14/22-1-14 | 12-10-0
22007 | I/S | India Stone Carving. Lingham & kneeling Bull. | C25/1-8-10 | 1-12-6
22008 | I/- | India Brass Votive Lamp. | B44/13-2-13. | 1-2-6
22009 | I/S | Japan Copper Figure |   | 1-1-0
22010 | N/- | England. F.L. curious priming cut off.|H5/20-5-11| 16-0
22011 | GY/- | Savage I. Model Canoe. |   | [[1-0-0?]]
22012 | G/S/- | Australia Axe. (Archdeacon Campbell) Wrights Creek. N. Queensland. | P16/27-11-11 | 4-4-0
22013 | Y/N/- | Borneo Sword. v. fine inlaid blade. very exceptional C|   | 5-15-0
22014 | G/Y/S | Tibet. copper gilt Deity C |   | 4-4-0 
22015 | S/- | Somali Shield buckled | W30/18-1-11 | -7-6
22016 | S/- | Soudan Shield |   | -12-6
22017 | GS/- | Congo Mask Charm. ivory. Bapende.|G15/21-5-10| 1-10-0
22018 | G/M | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22019 | G/M | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22020 | G/M | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22021 | G/M | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22022 | G/- | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22023 | G/- | New Guinea Stone Celt. |   | -2-6
22024 | Y/- | East Africa Wood Chalice. Wasoga. |H36/1915| 10-6
22025 | -/S | East Africa Cup,black pottery Kampala |P16/28-11-13| 2-0
22026 | -/S | East Africa Cup,black pottery Kampala |   | 2-0
22027 | -/S | East Africa Jug earthenware.large.broken Kavirondo |   | 3-6
22028 | -/S | East Africa Jug earthenware.small Kavirondo|P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
22029 | Y/S | S.W. Africa Jug Carved wood. Biké Angola|P16/28-11-13 |16-0
22030 | -/S | East Africa Jug Bamboo. L. Nyassa.| P16/28-11-13| 3-6
22031 | Y/- |      Cap of beadwork. |   | 5-0
22032 | Y/- | West Africa Hat.cut black fibre. Mendi|P16/28-11-13| 10-0
22033 | G/S | West Africa Hat.straw & leather.Mandingo|N9/17-10-10 | 5-0
22034 | -/M | West Africa Hat. straw & leather. |P16/28-11-13| 3-6
22035 | -/M | West Africa Hat. straw & leather. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0
22036 |  /- | West Africa Bag of grass | P16/28-11-13 | 2-6 
22037 | A/S | Australia. Fire Sticks Archdeacon Campbell. Wrights Creek. N. Queensland| P16/27-11-11| 1-5-0
22038 | A/S | Australia. Fire Sticks Archdeacon Campbell. Wrights Creek. N. Queensland. | L18/7-12-10| 1-5-0
22039 | A/- | Australia. Fire Sticks Archdeacon Campbell. Wrights Creek. N. Queensland. | H22/21-7-10| 1-7-6
22040 | A/- | Australia. Fire Sticks Archdeacon Campbell. Wrights Creek. N. Queensland. |   | 1-7-6 

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/20 AW