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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

22079 | T/S | Borneo Sword.horn hilt.silver mounts |N9/17-10-10| 1-5-0
22080 | T/S | Borneo Sword. Parang Duntok.silver mounts|N9/17-10-10| 1-0-0
22081 | M/S | Borneo Sword. Wavy blade Sulu |--| 1-0-0
22082 | M/S | Borneo Sword. straight blade Sulu |--| 16-0
22083 | S/- | Borneo Sword. v finely carved hilt Sulu |--| 1-12-6
22084 | C/- | Borneo Sword. Parang.curious twp pronged hilt |--| 3-10-0
22085 | M/- | Borneo Box containing charms. |G15/21-5-10| 7-0
22086 | M/- | Borneo Box rubber |--| 12-6
22087 |  /- | Borneo Chinese Strainer |--| 1-0
22088 |  /- | Borneo Chinese Strainer |--| 1-0
22089 | G/- | Europe Pair Stirrups | S4/1-1-12 | 4-6
22090 |  /- | Europe Shoe with under piece. |--| 16-0
22091 | G/- | New Zealand Kilt | C28/12-5-11 | 7-0
22092 |  /- | New Guinea Bow & 4 Arrows. | S38/12-7-10 | 3-0
22093 | M/S | New Britain Ornament used in the Duk Duk Ceremonies C|C11/18-4-12| 1-1-0
22094 | M/S | New Britain Ornament damaged |--| 15-0
22095 | GX/- | Philippine Rain Coat. |--| 16-0

22096 | M/- | N.Queensland Cotton Basket decorated pink pigment & specimen of prep: material Wrights Creek  } |--| 18-6
22097 | M/- | N.Queensland Cotton Basket plain. & specimen of prep: material Wrights Creek  } |P16/27-11-11| 15-0
22098 | Y/S | N.Queensland Boomerang Wrights Creek  } |P16/27-11-11| 7-0         
22099 | Y/S | N.Queensland Boomerang .Wrights Creek } |H37/30-6-16| 10-6     **Coll: by Archdeacon Campbell
22100 | Y/- | N.Queensland Boomerang Wrights Creek. } | M35/10-11-14 | 12-6
22101 | G/N/- | N.Queensland Shield. ex large 39 x 12½ Wrights Creek } | P16/27-11-11 | 2-0-0
22102 | G/G/- | N.Queensland Corroboree Head-dress Wrights Creek } | F20/12-5-10. | 2-12-6

22103 | G/GT/S | Damley I: Fetish. | W22/8-3-10 | 2-4-6
22104 | Y/- | Uganda Pair Hide Shoes. 2/8/- [[?]]|P16/28-11-13| 8-0
22105 | G/- | B. New Guinea Hat.| P16/7-6-13| 10-6
22106 | -/S | Ceylon Whisk of quills |--| 2-0

22107 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb |C11/10-2-12 | 7-0    **finest 8/6
22108 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb C| P16/28-11-13| 6-6
22109 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb C| F20/17-6-11| 7-0
22110 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb | C11/14-2-12 | 2-0
22111 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb | C11/14-2-12 | 2-0
22112 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb | C28/29-10-10| 1-6
22113 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb | C11/10-2-12| 5-0   **plainest 2/=
22114 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb | C11/10-2-12| 2-0
22115 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb C| P16/28-11-13| 2-6
22116 | -/M | Dorei D.N.G. Comb C| F20/17-6-11| 3-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/21 AW