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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

22155 | A/- | Persia. Wrist Guard. |   | 1-0-0
22156 | GS/- | Tonga Club carved all over. light |L10/17-10-10| 1-5-0
22157 | YA/-/- | New Zealand Meri of jade 12¼ x 4" Hani Keky 18215 C 37/10/- |   | 35-0-0 
22158 | A/-/- | Tibet Hanging Incense Burner | W22/6-4-10| 7-15-0
22159 | M/-/- | Tibet Tea Pot |   | 5-5-0
22160 | G/S | New Guinea Nose Pin |   | 7-6?
22161 | G/S | New Guinea Nose Pin | F20/30-7-12 | 3-0
22162 | G/- | Congo Spinning Top L Congo. |   | 2-6
22163 | N/- | Norway Whistle. carved. |   | 12-6
22164 | T/-/- | E.I. F A [[I?]] |   | ---  
22165 | A/-/- | New Zealand Ox Skull with Moko. |P16/29-5-11| 8-0-0
22166 | GX/- |      Ancient red Shell Beads &c  Currency v. rare |   | 4-10-0 
22167 | N/- |       Helmet. leather. | S4/1-1-12 | 4-0
22168 | GX/- | Siam Helmet. gilt. hide. ? dancing. |   | 1-1-0
22169 | C/- | Germany. Brass ring. inscription. |   | 1-5-0
22170 | A/- | Admiralty I: Dish. |   | 10-6
22171 | N/- | Australia Club; Leowel.| P16/27-11-11| 10-0
22172 | Y/- | E. Africa Snuff Box. L. Nyassa.| P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
22173 | Y/- | E. Africa Lion teeth Charms L.Nyassa. C|P16/28-11-13| 6-0
22174 | N/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. |   | 1-10-0
22175 | Y/- | India Toe Ring. |   | 4-0
22176 | GX/- | Ancient Roman Seal. | W22/28-5-10 sold | 1-10-0
22177 | I/- | Solomon Wristlet, porpoise teeth. C|F20/6-5-11| 1-5-0
22178 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow-head C |   | 5-0
22179 | GI/- | 2 Tibet small Idols. | W22/6-4-10 Wright | 1-0-0
21780 | S/- | Japan Saké Kettle. | W22/6-4-10 Wright | 10-0
21781 | M/- | Somali Shield of hide | B45/1-4-14| 6-6
21782 | M/- | Somali Shield of hide | P16-28-11-13| 6-6
21783 | G/Y/S | New Zealand Feather Box. fairly modern.|S4/29-2-16| 3-3-0
21784 | GS/- | Hervey I. Paddle. fine old piece |   | 3-10-0
21785 | S/- | Hervey I. Paddle. small. damaged. |   | 1-0-0

21786 | N/- | Nigeria Zua Head Ring. Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 3-0-0
21787 | N/- | Nigeria Fetish Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 1-16-0
21788 | M/- | Nigeria Sacrificial Spoon. Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 2-0-0
21789 | M/- | Nigeria Drum. large Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 1-0-0
21790 | Y/- | Nigeria Drum. smaller Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 10-0
21791 | G/- | Nigeria Drum. small Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20 /1-6-10| 10-0
21792 | G/- | Nigeria Iron Bell Oguné or Okuné Expedition 1907 } |F20/1-6-10| 10-0  **Collection

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/21 AW