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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]] 

22231 | T/- | Savage I. Club |   | 1-12-6
22232 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone "Wahaika"|B16/8-12-10 Sold| 16-5-0
22233 | GS/- | N. America Tomahawk-Pipe |N9/17-10-10 | 1-15-0
22234 | G/G/- | Benin Bronze Armlet. | F20/12-5-10 Sold| 2-5-0
22235 | M/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. |   | -7-6
22236 | M/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. |   | -7-6
22237 | M/M |    Leg Ornament |   | -7-6
22238 | M/M |    Leg Ornament | W16/3-4-11 | -4-0
22239 | M/M |    Leg Ornament |   | -6-6
22240 | M/M |    Leg Ornament |   | -6-0
22241 | A/- | Siam Puppet Figure | G15/21-5-10 | 11-0
22242 | A/- | S. America Sling. Bolivia |   | 15-0
22243 | G/GY/S | New Zealand Stick. |   | 3-15-0
22244 | T/S | N. America Tomahawk-Pipe | N9/3-1-14| 1-12-6
22245 |  /- | New Zealand Whistle. |   | ---
22246 | G/S/- | Africa Fetish 2/5/- [[Chu?]]|C28/25-5-11| 2-5-0
22247 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved on grip.|   | 2-10-0
22248 | GX/- | New Zealand Paddle plain.|   | 1-0-0
22249 | G/C/- | New Zealand Hani with Mat.|P16/17-6-12| 4-0-0 or 3-0-0
22250 | G/-/- | Solomon Paddle.decorated at base of blade.|   | 2-5-0
22251 | Y/S | British Columbia Totem Spoon |   | 3-7-0
22252 | Y/S | British Guiana Flute of jagua bone. |F20/6-5-11|[[1-0-0?]]
22253 | Y/S | British Guiana Necklet, cut teeth C| W22/28-11-11| -18-6
22254 | G/- | British Guiana Priest's Rattle. |   | -3-6
22255 | GA/- | Patagonia Bolas. | F7/1-12-11 | 1-12-6
22256 | N/- | Admiralty I: Fish Hook. |   | -7-6
22257 | M/- | New Zealand Spinning bait Hook.|E1/10-2-13| 7-0
22258 | A/- | New Zealand Shark Hook. | W1/11-10-10| 1-3-0
22259 | GS/S | New Zealand Hani. |   | 1-7-6
22260 | G/T/S | Cook Island Paddle. |   | 4-10-0
22261 | GY/- | Australia Shield [[drawing]] Victoria| B30/24-4-13| [[1-12-0?]]
22262 | S/- | Japan Stone Celt. Oga. | K5/3-10-13| 1-10-0
22263 | G/-/- | India Steel Bow.  Sikh| S35/29-6-12| 2-5-0
22264 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Bone Club. "Wahaika" |   |   
22265 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Teki. 4 x 3-1/4" Mid: Burr.Discovery 1777|P16/29-5-11| 33-10-0
22266 | MA/-/- | New Zealand Teki. large |   |   
22267 | A/- | Ceylon Spear. painted. European Pig Sticking head.|   | 1-1-0
22268 | G/-/- | England F.L. Pistol.brass barrel,silver mount. Sheppard| C10/1-2-11 | 2-2-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 12/22 AW