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[[table, 5 columns]]

22611 | A/- | Solomon Club |  | 1-1-0

22612 | GX/- | Australia Shield [[drawing]] Victoria |   | 1-15-0

22613 | A/- | Australia Club [[drawing]] Victoria |   | P16/27-11-11 | 15-0

22614 | Y/GX/- | N. America Basket & Cover. Tinkir C | P16/17-6-12 | 4-15-0

22615 | G/GX/- | N. America Box covered quilt work. C | H28/6-9-10 | 2-5-0

22616 | G/- | N. America 2 specimens modern quilt work C | 4-0

22617 | G/- | Korea Hat bamboo. | W22/1-14-13 | 4-6

22618 | -/S | [[strikethrough]] S. America [[/strikethrough]] Africa Skull Cap. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0

22619 | -/S | Africa Skull Cap. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0

22620 | /- | Africa Cigarette Case | | 6

22621 | /- | Cigarette Case |  | 6

22622 | G/- | Africa Drum cut leather. Kordofan | C28/25-5-11 | 6-0

22623 | G/- | China Head-rest. bamboo. |  | 3-6

22624 | /- | Persia Pen Case. |  | 1-0

22625 | T/GX/- | New Zealand Club. Waha ike. whale bone. | B16/17-5-11 | 16 5-0

22626 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. 27" long. masks on lid. | B16/4-7-11 | 26-0-0

22627 | G/G/- | New Zealand Adze Haft. carved. late work | | 4-10-0

22628 | G/S/- | Javan & Benni Bells. | W22/28-5-10 | 1-8-6

22629 | GS/- | Aetian, Japanese & Swim Bells. | W22/28-5-10 | 18-6

22630 | G/-/- | Japan Netsuke | W22/28-5-10 | 1-2-6

22631 | G/G/- | 2 Japan Netsuke | W22/28-5-10 | 1-3-6

22632 | A/-/- | W. Africa Mask. v. large | F20/25-3-11 | 9-0-0

22633 | I/- | Congo mask. | N9/17-10-10 | 17-0

22634 | Y/S | Congo Amulet fine colour. | | 8-0

22635 | C/- | Congo Chiefs' Hat large beads | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0

22636 | G/- | Congo Knife | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0

22637 | I/- | Congo Throwing Knife [[drawing]] Fan. C |  | 1-2-6

22638 | -/S | Congo Elephant Tail | S4/1-1-12 | 2-6

22639 | G/- | Congo 2 Alligator Eggs | F25/10-6-13 | 1-0

22640 | GY/- | Ashanti Figures a pair. man & woman | N9/17-10-10 | 1-5-0

22641 | M/GX/- | France Pair F.L. Pistols with silver dog head | D6/1-5-11 | 8-10-0

22642 | GT/S | France Air Pistol | D6/20-8-10 | 2-2-0
22643 | M/GA/- | France Wheel-lock Pistol | S40/23-4-12 | 6-15-0

22644 | GX/- | India War Quoit large | F20/9-9-11 | 14-0

22645 | A/- | India War Quoit smaller | F20/9-9-11 | 14-0

22646 | A/- | India War Quoit smaller | F20/9-9-11 | 12-0

22647 | G/A/- | Hauan Sword. bells on hilt |   |

22648 | GA/- | Hauan Sword. no bells |   |