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22649 | GY/. | New Guinea Breast Ornament of biscut tin | P16/7.6.13 | 1-10-0

22650 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle silver mount |  | 16-6

22651 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle copper mount | P16/28.11.13 | 8-6

22652 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle copper mount |  |

22653 | Gx/. | N. America Pot of Bark. 12 x 6 1/2 c| P16/17.6.12 | 1-5-0

22654 | N/. | India Axe. painted half. |   |

22655 | Y/S | Ceylon Bow. | J12/2.2.13 | 18-0

22656 | Y/S | Australia Boomerang |  | 8-0

22657 | G/. | Australia Carved Nut. Queensland. c | P16/27.11.11 | 15-6

22658 | Y/. | A. Mexico Small Pot with ball. c |  | 7-6

22659 | N/. | S. Africa Dance Staff. Qub c |  | 14-0

22660 | -/S | S. Africa C. Box. carved | F20/9.9.11 | 5-6

22661 | -/S | S. Africa C. Box. carved | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0

22662 | Gx/. | England 3 Fragment chain mail |   |

22663 | N/A/. | New Caledonia Axe. jade blade. | P16/29.5.11 | 12-10-0

22664 | G/./. | New Hebrides Dish |   |

22665 | Gx/. | North America pair moccassins |  | 17-6

22666 | A/. | North America Bag. c |  | [[strikethrough]]1-4-0[[/strikethrough]] 17-16

22667 | A/./. |   |   | - - -

22668 | Y/Gx/. |   |   | - - -

22669 | G/A/. | Trobriand Club |   | - - -

22670 | N/Gx/. | Mauzaia  Symbolic Adze. | P16/17.6.12 | 6-10-0

22671 | T/Gx/. | New Zealand Feather Box  Cracked 2 times. | 12/10/[[?]] | 13-13-0

22672 | G/T/. | New Zealand Maui with mat. |   |   

22673 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. |   |   

22674 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. |   |   

22675 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. | F17/10-8-14 | 1-5-0

22676 | GY/S | NW Australia carving stick or Hand Churn |  | 2-15-0

22677 | G/G/. | S. E. Africa C Dish large | S4/1915 | 5-5-0

22678 | G/G/. | S. E. Africa Dish smaller. | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0-0

22679 | GA/. | England Club Pistol of bran | D6/20.8.10 | 2-2-0

22680 | M/GX/. | Fiji Kava Bowl v. large  28" dia | P16/27.11.11 | 7-10-0

22681 | G/./. | Fiji Kava Bowl smaller. carved rim | P16/27.11.11 | 2-5-0

22682 | Y/./. | Fiji Chiefi Necklet  some teeth 8" long | P16/27.11.11 | 6-6-0

22683 | G/./. | Fiji Chiefi Necklet shorter |   |

22684 | I/. | Fiji Spear fine | P16/27.11.11 | 15-0

22685 | G/. | Fiji Spear smaller | P16/27.11.11 | 15-0

22686 | G/. | Fiji Spear smaller |   |

Transcription Notes:
22667 and 22668 may have had items listed but removed