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23371 | GM/. | S. America Club, engraved. B. Guinea. | C11/10-7-12 | 2-5-0

23372 | S/. | Canada Mat dec. quill work. | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0

23373 | S/. | Canada Mat dec. quill work. | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0

23374 | S/S | Canada Small Box. top dec: quill work.  C | P16/17-6-12 | 15-0

23375 | GA/. | N. America Calumet Stein  K. |-- | --

23376 | GA/. | N. America Calumet Stein | H28/1-1-11 | 3-5-0

23377 | A/. | S. America Bow. covered cane work. Brazil | J12/3-3-13 | 14-0

23378 | GX/. | Australia Club |-- | --

23379 | A/. | New [[strikethrough]] Britain[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Ireland]] Club. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0

23380 | G/G/. | New Zealand "Onewa", black basalt. | K5/3-10-13 | 2-0-0

23381 | G/./. | Maugaia Adze Haft |-- | 2-8-0

23382 | A/. | Fiji Club. gun stock type. |-- | --

23383 | A/. | Fiji Club. paddle type. |-- | --

23384 | G/./. | Fiji Club. paddle type. carved blade. |-- | --

23385 | GX/. | Samoa Club. carved all over. | B31/20-12-15 | 2-2-0

23386 | GA/. | Samoa Club. [[ drawing]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6

23387 | A/. | Samoa Club. [[drawing]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6

23388 | Y/S | Samoa Trap. | --| --

23389 | Y/M/. | Benin Execution Sword. C | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0-0

23390 | T/S | Congo Wood Dagger  Bushongo C |-- |  17-6

23391 | G/./. | Congo [[strikethrough]]Necromancer's[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Divination]] Palati & rubber. Bushongo C | L21/24-2-12 | 2-2-0

23392 | T/S | Afghan Shield |-- | 1-5-0

23393 | GX/. | Assam Spear 3 barb  Naga. |-- | 1-12-6

23394 | GX/. | India Sword with belt. |-- | 1-7-6

23395 | GX/. | India Sacrificial Axe. | W29/15-8-11 | 2-5-0

23396 | A/. | India Spear head. inlaid gold.  }1-15-0 | S35/10-3-11 | 17-6
23397 | A/. | India Spear butt inlaid silver. }1-15-0 | S35/10-3-11 | 17-6   }1-15-0

23398 | A/GX/. | England Wheel-lock gun.  C | S40/20-6-11 | 9-15-0

23399 | GX/. | England F. L. Rifle  C | S40/18-1-12 | 1-10-0

23400 | GX/. | England F. L. Rifle  C | S40/18-1-12 | 1-10-0

23401 | M/GX/. | Europe Snap hammer gun  C | S40/20-6-11 | 6-10-0

23402 | N/./. | England Pair F. L. Pistols with silver mounts. (C 23523 3/3/-) | C10/17-6-11 | 7-10-0

23403 | G/GX/. | England Air rifle with pump. (C 18325 2/2/-) |--| 3-3-0

23404 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. | -- | --

23405 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | --

23406 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | --

23407 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | --

23408 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | --

Transcription Notes:
Item 23371 was written over so it could be 2-5-0 or 2-4-0. Proofread 9-16 AW