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[[5 column table]]

23485| -/s| Spoon. horn bowl |--|--

23486| -/M| Ancient Athens Sinker of pottery |--|--   

23487| -/M| Ancient Athens Sinker of pottery |--|--

23488| /- | N. American Siou Indian Arrow head in Buffalo rib | H28/24-1-[[364?]] | 2-2-0

23489| -/s| Philippine Snake Skin |-- | --   

23490| -/s| Block of Rock Crystal |-- |--

23491| G/GT/- | N. American Hood of bead work. | W1/7-7-13 | 2-16-0

23492| G/- | Zulu Pouch | P16/28-11-12 |  4-0

23493| G/- | New Zealand Fish Hook |-- | --   

23494| G/- | Barbadoes Adze Head. shell. |-- | --  

23495| M/- | New Zealand Adze Head| -- | --  

23496| y/-| New Zealand Adze Head [[strikethrough]] metal?[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Hematite]] | -- | 1-1-0 

23497| -/s| Japan bone Carving |-- |--

23498| -/s| Basket     |S4/1-1-12 |  1-0 

23499| m/-| China Seal |-- | --

23500| m/-| China Seal |-- | -- 

23501| m/-| China Seal |-- | --

23502| y/-| China Printing Block |-- | --

23503| c/-| China Koro & cover   |H31/8-5-11 | 2-2-0 

23504| m/-| India Katar. & sheath. hilt dec: [[mased?]] work.  16" |-- | 12-6

23505| m/-| Java Pair cock fighting Spurs in case.   sold| L12/20-10-10 | 9-0 

23506| m/-| Borneo Tobacco Box & 3 specimens of tobacco |-- | 1-2-6 

23507| m/-| Borneo Horn bill charm |S4/1915 | 3-0-0 

23508|  /-| Borneo Grass Mat |-- |--

23509| G/-| Borneo Jacket | F20/9-9-11 |  16-0 

23510| G/-| Borneo Jacket | S4/1915 |  16-0 

23511| G/-| Borneo Jacket   best   |-- | 1-1-0 

23512| -/s| Borneo Waist Cloth | -- |  10-0 

23513| -/s| Borneo Waist Cloth   |   F20/9-9-11 |  10-6 

23514| /- | Borneo Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | --| 7-6 

23515| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | F20/9-9-11 | 7-6 

23516| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | -- | -7-6 

23517| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten |-- | 7-6 

23518| Y/GX/- | Solomon club. carved.   c| C11/20-9-11 |  4-17-6

23519| I/- | Gilbert Knife. Shark teeth [[drawing]] rare form | F20/25-3-11 | 1-10-0

23520| G/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth   damaged    c|--  |  6-0 

23521| G/- | Australia Boomerang.  |-- | --   

23522| I/- | Arab F.L. Gun. | S4/1-1-12 |  4-0