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23941 | /- | Congo 5 Arrow heads one with single barb | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0
23942 | /- | Congo 4 Arrow heads one with single barb | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0
23943 | Y/- | Congo [[strikethrough]]Gaboon[[//strikethrough]] Hair Ornament. Engraved iron Niam Niam | L11/9-5-11| 3-0
23944 | -/S | Congo Hair Ornament. bound iron wire | P16/18-11-13 | 4-0
23945 | -/5 | Congo Hair Ornament. bound iron wire | L11/9-5-11| 3-0
23946 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
23947 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | [[s14?]] | 5-0
23948 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | |
23949 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | |
23950 | n/- | Niam Island Fetish Figure Lete c | | 10-6
23951 | n/- | Niam Island Fetish Figure Lete | |
23952 | M/- | Fiji Club Root | |
23953 | Y/- | Fiji Club Root not so fine | |
23954 | m/- | Fiji Club Gun Stock | |
23955 | n/- | Fiji Club Sunflower | P16/[[?]] | 2-0-0
23956 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club fluted carved grip. cracked tally marks | |
23957 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club fluted | |
23958 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club not so good ball. carved grip | |
23959 | G/- | Samoa Belt Club not so good ball rough. | |
23960 | G/- | Samoa Belt Club not so good ball poor. | N9/3-[[?3]]-14 | 5-0
23961 | M/- | Tonga Club partly carved. [[image]] | B31/[[?20-12-18]] | 1-12-6
23962 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6
23963 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | | 
23964 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] plain  | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6
23965 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6
23966 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] small black carved. old rare. | |
23967 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | |
23968 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | |
23969 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type v. old heavy | |
23970 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | |
23971 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type Owner's name. OULUMOO | N9/[[?]] | 3-0
23972 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 
23973 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 
23974 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 
23975 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 
23976 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 
23977 |  /  | Samoa Club Stick slightly carved | | 
23978 |  /  | Samoa Club Stick slightly carved | |