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23561 | GA/- | Masai Head Ornament  | H31/14-11-10 | 1-10-0

23562 | M/- | Savage I. Club  | -- | --

23563 | M/- | Soloman Steering Club | -- | --

23564 | Y/- | Soloman Paddle   | -- | --

23565 | A/- | Soloman Bowl inlaid   | -- | --

23566 | G/- | Florida I. Club   | -- | --

23567 | N/- | Tonga Club carved grip   | -- | --

23568 | M/- | Fiji Club. root type carved grip  | -- | --

23569 | M/- | Fiji Club  carved grip   | -- | --

23570 | G/S | Fiji Belt Club.  large. fluted   | P16/27-11-11 | 15-0

23571 | G/S | Fiji Belt Club  large, fluted   | P116/27-11-11 | 15-0

23572 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club  smaller ball   | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0

23573 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club smaller small  | -- | --

23574 |  /- | Fiji Club. straight type.   | -- | --

23575 |  /- | Australia Boomerang.   | H37/30-6-16 |  11-0

23576 |  /- | New Caladonia Gourd bound with [[sinnet?]]  | S4/16-7-12 |  1-0

23577 |  /- | Bundle of Soloman Arrows.  about 10  | -- | -- 

23578 |  /- | Bundle of New Hebrides Arrows.  about 14.  | J12/3-3-13 |  3-6

23579 |  /- | New Hebrides Bow   | J12/3-3-13 |  7-0

23580 |  /- | New Hebrides Bow   | J12/3-3-13 |  7-0

23581 |  /- | Solomon Bow   | -- | --

23582 |  /- | Tahiti Bow   | J12/4-7-14 | 2-2-0

23583 |  /- | Caroline Mat   | -- | --

23584 |  /- | Wallis Isl: Tappa.  fine design.  |  C28/20-11-12 | 1-5-0

23585 |  /- | Tappa fine design  smaller   | -- | --

23586 | A/- | S. India Club; "Lathe"; bamboo iron bound   | -- | --

23587 | -/S | S. America Whistle   | H17/[[strikethrough]]17-1-12[[/strikethrough]] |  4-0

23588 | I/- | Brit. Columbia Canoe Bailer   | C11/10-7-12 |  15-0

23589 | GX/- | Brit. Columbia Knife with history   | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0

23590 | A/- | India Aboriginal Tribes. Fire Sticks   Bheel.| L12/10-1-13 |  10-0

23591 | S/- | Nubia Shield   | P16/28-11-13 | 1-3-0

23592 | S/- | Nubia Shield   | H30/3-8-12 | 1-1-0

23593 | Y/S | Mashona Head Rest   | P16/28-11-13 |  8-0

23594 | S/- | Tonga Head Rest   C | F20/19-6-[[4?]] | 1-2-6

23595 | A/- | Fiji Oil Dish   | P16/27-11-11

23596 | N/- | New Hebrides Boys' Club | -- | --

23597 | S/- | Congo Iron Bell on stick   | -- |  12-6

23598 | Y/- | Siberia? cake of currency Tea   | -- |  4-0