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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

24777 | /- |Australia Spear.3 points  Otati Queensland| P16/27-11-11| 10-0

24778 | I/- |Australia Set of Fire sticks in case. Otati Queensland|  |

24779 | Y/- |Australia Grinder Stone for grass seed. Otati Queensland 
C|   | 16-6

24780 | A/- | Australia Message Stick. Otati Queensland C|P16/27-11-11 | 15-0

24781 | M/- | Australia Rubbing Stone.  North.New South Wales C|P16/27- 11-11 | 10-0

24782 | M/- | Australia Rubbing Stone. North. New South Wales. C|   |   

24783 | S/- | S. America Necklet. peccary teeth |   |   

24784 | N/- | S. America Necklet. Quiver of darts & cotton basket| J12/ 3-3-13 | 15-0 

24785 | S/- | Borneo Cutter & Palate PAAF.for collecting gutta percha. |   | 8.6

24786 | G/- | Borneo Palm leaf mat with dec: designs.  Massima|   |   

24787 | G/- | Borneo Boy's Armlet |   |   

24788 | Y/S | Admiralty Island Dagger.obsidian. not old|   | 5-0 

24789 | Y/S | Admiralty Island Dagger.obsidian. not old |   | 5-0 

24790 | -/S | Ceylon Spoon.  Veddha|   | 5-0 

24791 | S/- | Ceylon Ceremonial Knife  Veddha C| B30/6-12-11 | 1-0-0 

24792| A/- | New Guinea Stool [[Image]]  Bartel Bay| P16/7-6-13| 15-0 

24793 | M/- | E. Africa Quiver & sixteen Arrows. | J12/3-3-13| 12-0 

24794 | A/-/- |New Zealand Haui,very curious specimen| P16/7-6-13| 15-10-0 

24795 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Jade Hoe Toki | P16/7-6-13 | 40.0.0 

24796 | Y/A/- | Tonga Club. carved | P16/7-6-13 | 4.10.0 

24797 | C/-/- | North America Hide Coat.| H28/20-8-11 | 35.0.0 

24798 | C/-/- | New Zealand Club.bone."Kotiah" [[image]] 12 1/2 x 5 3/4 C| B44/13-2-13| 19-0-0 

24799 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. bronze |14/- S48/5-6-14| 9-0 

24800 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. Clay  [[v.h.?]]|   |    

24801 | G/S | India Mask. bronze. |   |    

24802 | Y/S | India Pair Betel nut Cutters|    |    

24803 | G/- | Tibet small Bell |    |   

24804 | G/- | India Parrying Shaft [[Image]] modern| S4/1-1-12| 2-0  

24805 | N/S | Gauguella Staff head on top|    |    

24806 | Y/S | Gauguella Club. carved knob|P16/28-11-13| 8-0   

24807 | C/- | India Exercising Bow. "Lyzam"| H30/20-11-11| 1-2-6 

24808 | G/GX/- | Japan Cabinet| W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0 

24809 | N/- | E. Africa Spear  Masai| L21/10-3-13| 10-6 

24810 | N/- | E. Africa Spear Usoga| L10/6-2-12 | 2-0 

24811 | S/- | New Hebrides Axe. trade head. pierced pommel|   |   

24812 | Y/- | Mashona Knife carved sheath |   |   

24813 | G/- | Mashona Armlet ivory |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 

24814 | GN/- | Mandingo Baluyih|P16/28-11-13| 1-15-0 

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/13/2020 AW