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[[5 Column Table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

24359 | GX/S | Congo Double Bell. cane handle | P16/28-11-13| 1.0.0 

24360 | GX/S | Congo Double Bell. cane handle|   | ---  

24361 | GY/- | Congo Spear, bell at End.| P16/28-11-13| 1.1.0  
24362 | I/- | Congo Spear, of brass. Currency? | P16/28-11-13| 15.0 

24363 | S/- | Congo Staff of brass finely worked. |   |   
24364 | A/- | Congo Hippo Harpoon  |   |   
24365 | Y/- | Congo Spear. |   |   
24366 | N/- | Congo Spear  v. long shank. | P16/28-11-13| 10.0  
24367 | M/- | Congo Spear carved butt. |   |   
24368 | M/- | Congo Harpoon. no cord | P16/28-11-13| 18.0 
24369 | M/- | Congo Paddle. | P16/28-11-13 | 8.0 
24370 | GM/-| Congo Shield. lizard skin border Welle Dist.|   | 1-15-0 
24371 | GX/S| Congo Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 1.5.0  
24372 | GX/S |Congo Shield  painted wood [[boss?]]|P16/28-11-13| 1.2.0  

24373 | Y/S | West Africa. Dagger & sheath. larger. finer.  [[Kano?]]N. Nigeria|P16/28-11-13| 10.0 

24374 | Y/S | West Africa. Dagger & sheath. [[Kano?]]. N. Nigeria | L12/6-5-11| 8.0  

24375 | GX/- | West Africa.Dentist Forceps.  Yala Market. N. Nigeria| L12/6-5-11| 16.0 

24376 | N/GX/- | North American Complete Costume. dec scalp locks &c.| H28/23-5-12| 55.10.0 

24377 | A/- | North American Calumet Stem.Twisted with head 23042 | H28/2-1-14| 1.12.6  

24378 |  /- | West Africa. Knife Haussa.  Nafada Town.Gongola R. N.Nigeria|P16/28-11-13| 7-6

24379 |  /- | West Africa. Knife Haussa.  Nafada Town.Gongola R. N.Nigeria|L25/1.6.16| 6-0 

24380 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Axe Haft. |   |   

24381 | GY/S | Fiji Food Bowl. |   |   

24382 | GA/- | Japan. set of 3 Vases inlaid silver.|   |   

24383 | M/- | Eskimo whale bone Implement |   |   

24384 | N/S | Persia pair Tweezers. inlaid |   |   

24385 |  /- | Samsa Club [[image]] |   | 1.12.6 

24386 | GY/S | Naga Ornament cut shell. | F20/9-9-11 | 1.7.6 

24387 | GT/S | Solomon Club  K.|   |  

24388 | S/./. | New Zealand Jade Meri. not very old. Davis | D13/20-4-12 | 5-18-0 

24389 | G/./. | Admiralty I. Bowl. large. |   | 5-5-0 

24390 | M/. | W. Australia Cotton Basket.large  Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 15-0 

24391 | Y/S | W. Australia Cotton Basket.large  Port Darwin|     | 

24392 | Y/S | W. Australia Cotton Basket.small  Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 10-0  

24393 | N/- | W. Australia Spear Head.chipped bottle glass  Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 7.6 

24394 | M/- | W. Australia Spear Head.white flint  Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 7.6 

24395 | M/- | W. Australia Spear Head.Quartz. Port Darwin C| K5/22-6-14 | 7.6 

24396 | A/- | German New Guinea Pillow v. fine 2 males | P16/28-11-13| 2.10.0

Transcription Notes:
May need to denote doodles in entry #243575 (I have no idea what doodles...?) Proofread 1/6/2020 AW