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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

25043 | A/- | A. Peru Bottle. Head two figs. |   |   |
25044 | A/- | A. Peru Bottle. black. [[image]] |   |   |
25045 | Y/-/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask| P16/28-11-13| 4-10-0
25046 | G/Y/S | England F.L Pistol brass with bayonet[[?fine]] TWIGG| S40/23-4-12 | 3-0-0
25047 | T/- | N Australia Dilly Bag. | P16/27-11-11 | 1-0-0
25048 | S/- | Barotze Piano & Gourd. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0
25049 | GA/- | North America Wood Gun,used in the Gun dance| H28/3-1-14 | 1-12-6
25050 | A/- | North America Doll. |   |   |
25051 | G/Y/S | North America Saddle Cloth|H28/23-5-12| 3-5-6 or 3-7-6
25052 | GX/- | North America Pair Leggings. | H31/11-6-12 | 2-5-0
25053 | Y/S | North America Pouch Square [[Reticule?]]|   | 1-2-6
25054 | Y/S | North America Sheath| W1/7-7-13 | 16-0
25055 | I/- | New Britain discs. K|   |   |
25056 | A/- | Australia Message Stick. | H17/19-1-12| 10-0
25057 | T/S | Fiji Bamboo. Engraved Quiver. Col [[Kesolly's?]] Colln|   | 1-1-0
25058 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin. lone. | H7/19-1-12 | 7-0 
25059 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. | P16/7-6-13| [[7-0?]] 
25060 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. [[slick?]] | P16/7-6-13| 8-0 
25061 | Y/- | Admiralty Ear Ornament. |   |   |
25062 | Y/- | Admiralty Ear Ornament. |   |   |
25063 | M/GX/- | Marquesas Club. rough. |   |   |
25064 | Y/GX/- | Marquesas Paddle Club| P16/27-11-11| 5-0-0
25065 | G/-/- | Eskimo Harpoon|   |   |
25066 | G/G/- | Eskimo Ice Pick C| D10/5-8-13| 2-15-0
25067 | Y/- | Eskimo Belt Fastner  #|   |   |
25068 | GX/- | Soudan Shield.holes round edge|P16/28-11-13| 1-2-0
25069 | A/S | Somali Shield. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0
25070| Y/- | England Spear. copper. found in Bistol.  Victoria St. Site of Priory|   | 12-6
25071 | -/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe| P16/7-6-13| 6-0
25072 | -/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe| P16/7-6-13| 6-0
25073 | G/- | [[New Guinea?]] Axe Head. |   |   |
25074 | T/S | Tibet Prayer Wheel. |   |   |
25075 | I/- | India War Quoit.Engraved.  Akale Sikh|   |   |
25076 | T/S | India War Quoit.Engraved.  Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0
25077 | T/S | India War Quoit.Engraved.  Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0
25078 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain.  Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0
25079 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain.  Akale Sikh|   |   |
25080 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain.  Akale Sikh|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/12/2020 AW