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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

25651 | GX/- | Santa Cruz Frontbelt. shell disc. 4 1/4 dia |   | 1-1-0

25652 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   | 

25653 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   | 

25654 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   | 

25655 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   |

25656 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   | 

25657 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth |   | 

25658 | GA/- | North Australia Necklet |P16/27-11-11| 2-0-0

25659 | S/- | North Australia Necklet | C28/13-11-13| 14-0

25660 | G/- | North Australia Necklet |   |   

25661 | A/- | North West Australia Spear Thrower carved both sides, damaged.|   |   

25662 | N/- | Congo Powder Box. studded nails | L16/20-10-11| 5-6

25663 | N/- | Congo Powder Box. studded nails |     |

25664 | Y/-/- | Hawaii Leinhopoloa Hook. | B16/13-7-12| 3-15-0

25665 | Y/S | Malay Woman's Loin Cloth.bark cloth. Sakais.|P16/7-6-13| 10-0

25666 | Y/S | Malay Woman's Head Cloth.bark cloth. Sakais.|P16/7-6-13| 7-0

25667 | A/- | Tibet Pair Bronze Cymbals v.fine.Used by Lamas when offering incense in their family Devotion|   | 1-10-0 

25668 | A/- | China Ironer. [[Auroy?]] |   |   

25669 | A/- | N.America Hair Ornament.Blood Indian.2 bear claws|B21/18-2-12| 14-0 

25670 | A/- | N.America Tobacco Pouch.bead & quill work.|W1/7-7-13| 1-5-0 

25671 | GX/- | N.America Hair Ornament. worn on end of braided hair Sioux.| B21/18-2-12 | 1-18-0 

25672 | N/- | N.America Scoup sheep-horn N.W. Canada|   | 8-6 

25673 | G/- | N.America Tray of birch bark  Cree. Canada.|   |   

25674 | G/GX/- | N.W. America Cooking Basket square. Chilcat|   | 5-5-0 

25675 | G/GX/- | N.W. America Cooking Basket oval Chilcat|   | 5-5-0 

25676 | N/- | India Dagger of polished horn.  Bheel| L12/20-10-11| 8-0 

25677 | M/S | India Dagger of polished horn.  Bheel| L12/20-10-11| 8-0 

25678 | M/- | New Guinea Betel Mortar.large.carved  Osewasin C|F20/18-11-11| 14-0 

25679 | G/- | Fiji Kava Cup |   |   

25680 | GA/- | England Set of Bag Pipes.| H17/19-1-12| 2-2-0 

25681 | Y/S | N.W. America Spear Thrower.  Greenland|F20/25-7-12| 3-5-0 

25682 | GG/- | New Zealand Figure | C30/3-6-12| 6-0-0 

25683 | GX/- | New Zealand Figure smaller |P16/28-11-13| 4-10-0

25684 | GN/- | New Zealand Bird |P16/28-11-13| 4-15-0

25685 | T/S | France FL. Pistol | S40/15-1-2| 1-0-0

25686 | G/GA/- |England Pair side-hammer Pistols PATRICK LIVERPOOL|S40/15-1-2| 2-5-0

25687 | Y/A | Ireland Pair Dueling Pistols |   |   

25688 | S/- | Japan Pistol Matchlock |   | 17-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/14/2020 AW