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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

26259 | G/GA/- | Tongan Club. carved all over| P16/7-6-13| 5-0-0

26260 | G/A/- | Tongan Staff. Ex. fine carving|   |   

26261 | G/A/- | Fiji "Sunflower." ex. large & fine| P16/7-6-13| 4-0-0

26262 | Y/A/- | Mangaia Adze haft ex. large| B43/16-10-12| 4-0-0

26263 | G/G/- | San Christoval Club. figure on handle |   |   

26264 | S/- | New Hebrides Club. |   |   

26265 | GX/- | [[Sanwa?]] Club. |   |   

26266 | GS/- | India Guarded Katar. |   |   

26267 | GY/- | Japan Knife.dragon on blade| C7/19-12-12| 1-15-0 

26268 | M/- | India Pellet Bow. | J12/3-3-13| 5-0 

26269 | G/-/- | Arab Jambiya|   | 1-15-0 

26270 | G/-/- | Burmah [[Miniature?]] Dha.silver mounts|   | 1-15-0 

26271 | T/- | Tierra del Fuego. Harpoon head,iron point|   |   

26272 | G/-/- | Tonga "[[?Turret]]" Club. pointed End.|   |   

26273 | G/GX/- | Tonga Club carved all over.figures|P16/7-6-13| 5-5-0

26274 | G/A/- | Tonga Club carved all figs.|P16/7-6-13| 3-10-0

26275 | G/-/- | British Columbia Spear Thrower| F20/25-7-12| 4-5-0

26276 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Whale-bone Club| H28/18-4-12| 11-10-0

26277 | G/GX/- | British Columbia Whale-bone Club|B21/18-2-12| 11-10-0

26278 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.|   |   

26279 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.|   |   

26280 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.|   |   

26281 | A/- | British Columbia Dagger. double ends.| H28/18-4-12 | 1-1-0 

26282 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. Wood handle| H28/18-4-12 | 11-0  

26283 | GX/- | S.India Club."Lathe" with 25983 Say 32/6 the 2 |   | 17-6

26284 | A/- | N. America Club 1814.|   | 2-12-6

26285 | I/S | East Africa.Hip dancing Bell.  Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 1-2-6   

26286 | I/S | East Africa.Hip dancing Bell.  Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 1-2-6  

26287 | G/- | East Africa Collar.  Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 7-6  

26288 | G/- | East Africa Bracelet.  Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 5-0 

26289 | G/- | East Africa Ornament long chains.Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 6-0 

26290 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt Kenia Akikaya|   | 15-0 

26291 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 15-0 

26292 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 15-0 

26293 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.rhino horn.inlaid copper Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 18-0 

26294 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.wood Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 7-6 

26295 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.ivory [[image]] Mt.Kenia Akikaya|   | 12-6 

26296 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.ivory with nostril brush Mt.Kenya Akikaya|   | 12-6

|   |   |   |   | 95-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/18/2020 AW