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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

25879 | G/-/- |North America Club.ram's head[[image]]|H28/2-6-14| 6-10-0
25880 | G/-/- | North America Club.Birds head holding ball thin|H28/2-1-14| 4-4-0
25881 | -/S | Norway Cigarette Holder. |   |   
25882 | G/- | Japan Sword Guard. | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0
25883 | GA/- | England Walking-Stick Pistol. C|   | 3-3-0
25884 | M/- | England 18th Cent Shot Box of steel |   |   
25885 | A/- | England D B. C P. Pistol |   |   
25886 | G/S | England Tobacco Plug Measure. |   |   
25887 | Y/S | Tibet Dorgé 4¾ long. C|   | 1-1-0
25888 | T/S | Ceylon Knife. |   | 1-15-0
25889 | GX/- | Malabar Aydi Katti horn. hilt good[[?specar]]|   | 1-8-6
25890 | A/- | Japan Pillow of horn.| L16/20-10-11 | 12-6
25891 | G/- | Tahiti Fish Hook. | K5/1915 | 6-0
25892 | GS/S | Cent.Australia Churinga-stone Lakabara(Hawk)|P16/27-11-11 Pen| 9-10-0
25893 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga-stone Lalitjia (Edible roots) |P16/27-11-11 Pen| 5-15-0
25894 | GX/- | New Zealand Tattooing Chisel & beater. |   |   
25895 | Y/Y/- | India Boomerang of steel. | F20/18-11-11 | 4-0-0
25896 | G/G/- | Malabar Aydi Katti Holder | B21/8-12-11 | 1-12-6

25897 | I/- | India Tiger Claws; "Wagnuk." | L12/20-10-11| }  1-12-6
25898 | I/- | India Tiger Claws; "Wagnuk." | L12/20-10-11| } 

25899 | GS/- | Assam Sword. |   | 1-10-0
25900 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Carved Board | P16/17-6-12 | 10-10-0
25901 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Carved Board | P16/17-6-12 | 10-10-0
25902 | A/- | North America Indian Tomahawk. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-3-0
25903 | G/-/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Club. |   |   
25904 | GX/- | Samoa Spear-head.  rare| P16/17-6-12 | 1-15-0
25905 | G/G/- | Fiji Necklet |   | 
25906 | A/- | Roman Bronze Hasp found in Thames |   |   
25907 | I/- | Naga Knapsack | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0
25908 | A/- | Naga Dancing Tail Ornament | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0
25909 | I/- | Naga Ornament of red cane. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-10-0
25910 | G/- | Naga Girdle of grass. worn by girls. | F20/25-7-12 | 8-0
25911 | G/- | Naga Head Ornament. black. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-0-0
25912 | A/- | Naga War Hat red & yellow cane. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-5-0
25913 | A/- | Naga Breast Ornament. [[image]] C|   | 1-5-0
25914 | GX/- | Naga Belt dec cowries & axe sheath.| F20/25-7-12| 3-15-0
25915 | GX/- | Naga Belt dec cowries bone cross pieces. C|   | 2-10-0
25916 | GX/- | Naga Cowry Currency. black cloth. C|   | 3-0-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1-15-2020 AW Under Item 25914 Fourth Column looks like: F something?