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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

26601 | -/S | Congo Model Boat. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
26602 | N/- | Congo Scoup. red wood [[image]] |   |   
26603 | -/S | Congo Scoup. small | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
26604 | GA/- | W. Africa Egbo Dancing Dress. | P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0
26605 | GI/- | Gaboon Fan Cross Bow. | J12/3-3-13| 1-10-0
26606 | M/- | Haussa Sword & Sheath fine. |   |   
26607 | Y/- | Haussa Sword & Sheath | R5/20-1-13| 12-6
26608 |  /- | Ceylon.Bow strung bark cord  Veddha|J12/3-3-13| 1-2-0
26609 | G/- | Hanssa Quiver & Arrows. fine lot 27. | P16/28-11-13| 1-10-0
26610 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 6 |  J12/3-3-13 | 10-0
26611 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 6 |  J12/3-3-13 | 10-0
26612 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 8 wood sheath. |   |   
26613 | I/- | Congo Wood Bell | W22/28-11-11 | 16-0
26614 | G/A/- | Japanese Rosary Bead. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-14-0
26615 | M/GX/- | N. American Wampum. 3 strays| W22/28-11-11| 4-16-0
26616 | GX/- | Japanese Lac Cabinet. | W22/28-11-11 | 15-0 
26617 | GT/- | Chinese Indian Ink Slab & brass dish. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-0-0
26618 | GX/- | Collection of shoes. | W22/28-11-11 | 12-6
26619 | N/- | Tibet Painting of Deity. |   | 8-0
26620 | M/- | Breton Pipe Lighter. |   | 7-6
26621 | Y/- | Tibet Buddha of clay. |   |   
26622 | Y/- | E. Africa Knife. |   |   
26623 | Y/- | Europe Palate Knife |   |   
26624 | Y/- | Europe Palate Knife |   | 
26625 | G/M | India Silver Charm. |   | 
26626 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26627 |    | India Silver Charm. | S4/1915| 5-0
26628 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26629 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |   
26630 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26631 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26632 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26633 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26634 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26635 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26636 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |
26637 |    | India Silver Charm. | S4/1915| 5-0
26638 |    | India Silver Charm. |   |

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/21/2020 AW