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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

26981 | GX/- | Nias I Shield [[image]] |   |   
26982 | T/- | Borneo Shield v. large. |   |   
26983 | G/G/- | Celebese Shield inlaid |   |   
26984 | M/- | Congo Rattle Bell | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0
26985 | M/- | Congo Devil Rattle. Azandeh | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0
26986 | G/- | Congo Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
26987 | G/- | Congo Razor| P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
26988 | G/- | Congo Razor | S4/1915 | 5-0
26989 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Bangala | P16/28-11-13 | 15-0
26990 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Mangbettu |   |   
26991 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Monifu | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0
26992 | Y/- | Sumatra Sword horn hilt. Batak C|   |   
26993 | Y/- | Sumatra Sword horn hilt. Batak C|   | 16-0
26994 | I/- | Tibet Flute. human leg bone. rough |   | 17-6
26995 | G/A/- | Marquesan Ear Plug | B16/19-7-13 | 1-15-0
26996 | G/A/- | Marquesan Ear Plug | B16/19-7-13 | 1-15-0
26997 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0
26998 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0
26999 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0
27000 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament |   |   
27001 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13  | 1-0
27002 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament |   |   
27003 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament |   |   
27004 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament |   |   
27005 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon |   |   
27006 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon |   |   
27007 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon |   |   
27008 | -/S | Mauica Snuff Spoon & Comb |   |   
27009 | -/S | Lapp Spoon engraved horn |   |   
27010 | -/S | Lapp Spoon engraved horn |   |   
27011 | -/S | Lapp Needle Case engraved horn |   |   
27012 |  /- | England Apple Scoup of bone |   |   
27013 |  /- | England Apple Scoup of bone |   |   
27014 |  /- | England Apple Scoup of bone |   |   
27015 |  /- | England Apple Scoup of bone |   |   
27016 |  /- | England Ivory Puzzle. |   |   
27017 | M/- | Ainu Tobacco Box. [[or?]]  Gilyak|   |   
27018 | S/- | Ainu Pipe & stopper  Gilyak|   | 1-12-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/25/2020 AW