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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

26943 | -/S | Zulu Assegai   |    |
26944 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. serrated | P16/28-11-13 | [[7?]]-0
26945 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
26946 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0
26947 | Y/-/- | Collection of Miscellanea | M10/9-2-12 | 4-7-0
26948 | G/- | France ChassepĂ´t Rifle |   |   
26949 | G/- | France ChassepĂ´t Rifle |   |  
26950 | G/- | England "Dor" Rifle P.C. |   |   
26951 | GA/- | Austria Pair FL. Army Pistols |   |   
26952 | GX/- | England Blunderbuss iron. defective. |   |   
26953 | A/- | Fiji Club.straight.carved all over| P16/28-11-13| 1-15-0
26954 | GX/- | S. Brazil Lasso. 1878 |   | 1-7-6
26955 | G/-/- | S. Brazil Bolas |   | 1-12-6
26956 | G/-/- | England Gun brass barrel. FL. | S40/13-11-12| 3-10-0
26957 | GY/S | England Blunderbuss. iron a boat gun said to be from Benin. |   |   
26958 | T/S | N. America Pipe. wood. | H28/2-1-14| 1-12-6
26959 | T/S | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. | N9/3-4-14 | 2-7-6
26960 | GX/- | N. America Ungara Indian Tomahawk | H28/15-7-12| 3-3-0
26961 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0
26962 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0
26963 | GX/- | Eskimo Pair hide Gauntlet Gloves | H28/3-1-14 | 1-1-0
26964 | GA/- | Eskimo Pair Snow Goggles. NortonSon C| L12/8-5-13| 1-12-6
26965 | GA/- | Eskimo Pair Snow Goggles.finer. NortonSon |   | 2-0-0
26966 | N/- | Africa Charm horn | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0
26967 | M/-/- | Ireland Blunderbuss. bayonet. |   |   
26968 | G/GY/S | Japan 3 books. | W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0
26969 | G/GA/- | Japan Nest of Boxes | W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0
26970 | I/- | Fiji Pineapple Club. Carved grip. |   | 2-2-0
26971 | M/M/- | Benin Tusk. carved bands. | P16/18-11-12 | 4-0-0
26972 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Copper Currency Club |S4/1915| 21-0-0
26973 | GA/- | Congo Mask of wood | C28/20-11-12 | 2-5-0
26974 | T/- | Congo Shield Azandeh |   |   
26975 | T/- | Congo Shield Azandeh | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0
26976 | GI/- | Congo Shield [[image]] |   |   
26977 | T/- | Congo Shield [[image]] Bangala. |   |   
26978 | T/- | Congo Shield wider Bangala. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0
26979 | S/- | Congo Shield [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0
26980 | S/- | Congo Shield larger | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 1/24/2020 AW