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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

27323 | T/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. Captain Henry Wilson |   |   |
27324 | C/-/- | [[symbol]] |   |   |
27325 | NA/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed Head. K | S | 65-0-0
27326 | MA/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed Head. |   | [[?85-0-0]]
27327 | YX/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed mortem v.fine |   | 52-10-0
27328 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Club, Onewa. |   |   |
27329 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club, bone. rough. |   | 2-15-0
27330 | A/GX/- | New Zealand Club, wood. Kotiati. fine|    | 12-10-0
27331 | N/-/- | New Zealand Paddle. carved| C11/27-11-12 | 16-0-0
27332 | GX/- | New Zealand Paddle. plain |   |   |

27333 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe base. } |   |   |  [[for both]]
27334 | G/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe Side carving } |   | 10-10-0

27335 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa.fine [[image]]| [[4/10/?]]| 5-5-0
27336 | G/-/- | New Zealand Haui. |   |   |
27337 | GT/S | New Zealand Axe  carved short handle.  |   |   |
27338 | Y/S | New Zealand Fish-hook |   |   |
27339 | Y/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. small. |   |   |
27340 | Y/S | Millie I. Fish hook. | B16/19-7-13 | 8-0
27341 | GX/- | New Britain Club. |   |   |
27342 | M/-/- | Fiji Club. lotus type | P16/7-6-13 | 7-10-0
27343 | GX/- | Australia Shield.  Victoria|   | 1-15-0
27344 | S/- | New Guinea Bowl.carved rim.  Trobriands|P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0
27345 | N/- | New Guinea Bowl.carved small  Trobriands|P16/7-6-13| 1-0-0
27346 | A/- | New Guinea Club  Trobriands| P16/7-6-13 | 10-0
27347 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Ex: long | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0
27348 | Y/S | Caroline Belt. worked black designs |   |   |
27349 | M/-/- | Australia Axe. v. large.  Queensland| F20/25-7-12| 8-0-0
27350 | GA/- | Solomon Shell Ornament overlay  Santa Cruz|   | 1-16-0
27351 | M/-/- | England Case of FL Dueling Pistols by Clarke| E6/1-1-14 | 4-18-6
27352 | A/-/- | England Pair brass barrelled s-mtd FL. Pistols by Mortimer| S40/6-8-12| 9-9-0
27353 | N/-/- | England Case of Tube Detonator Pistols by C. Moore. | S40/6-8-12| 8-15-0
27354 | GX/- | England Pair small S. mtd FL. Pistols by Ketland|   |   |
27355 | N/- | Congo Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0
27356 | N/- | Congo Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0
27357 | N/S | Congo Spear. |   |   |
27358 | Y/A/- | Easter Island Staff. slightly defective | P16/30-13-14 | 11-11-0
27359 | M/-/- | Harvey I Paddle. Ex:large. | W32/22-1-13 | 6-10-0
27360 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze Haft |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2/5/2020 AW