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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

28805 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Mirror in frame carved. | W22/14-3-16| 2-5-0
28806 | GX/- | England FL Pistol  TATHAM & EGG|   |   |  
28807 | I/- | England FL Pistol W. ARDEN cannon barrel|   |   |  
28808 | I/- | England FL Pistol A pair.  W. MILLS| E6/23-8-13| 2-2-0
28809 | S/- | England FL Pistol  DUGARD| E6/23-8-13 | 1-0-0
28810 | A/- | England FL Pistol A pair.  SOMMERS & STANLEY. |   |   |  
28811 | N/- | England FL Pocket Pistol HOWELL & SIMMONS|I4/17-5-13| 14-0
28812 | N/- | England FL Pocket Pistol  KNUBLEY| I4/17-5-13| 10-0
28813 | GY/S | England FL Pistol Pair large.  THEOP. RICHARDS|   |   |  
28814 | S/- | England FL Horse Pistol.  RIVIERE|   |   |   
28815 | GX/- | Spain FL Pistol Pair belt hooks. |   |   |   
28816 | A/- | England P.C Pistol Pair Duelling Pistols  C. MOORE|  |   |   
28817 | A/- | England P.C Pistol Pair in case.  CHILD| J12/8-3-16| 1-5-0
28818 | M/- | England P.C Pistol Pair in case.WILLIAMS.belt hooks|  |  |   
28819 | G/- | England P.C Pistol Pair very rough. | E6/3-2-13 | 7-6
28820 | G/-/- | England Breach-loading Albini Braendlin Patent| S40/13-11-12| 3-3-0
28821 | G/N/S | England Blunderbuss brass barrel.  MEWIS|   |   |   
28822 | G/GX/- | England DB.FL. Carbine.  WITTON DAW & Co.|   |   |   
28823 | GX/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by D Egg. fine finish |   |   |   
28824 | I/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by Sn. Nock. fine finish |   |   
28825 | Y/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by I Pendrell. |   |   
28826 | Y/- | England Military Gun F.L. by Williamson |   |   
28827 | Y/- | England Military Gun F.L. by Rivel. |   |   |   
28828 | G/- | England Military Gun P.C. with bayonet |   |   |  
28829 | G/- | England Military Gun P.C. with bayonet |   |   |  
28830 | Y/- | Europe 4 Short Swords with brass shell guards. Geo III Retainers|   | 16-0   
28831 | G/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step      # |   |   | 
28832 | G/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step      # |   |   |  
28833 | S/- | Samoa Spear |   |   |   
28834 | GX/- | Sokoto Drum. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0
28835 | A/- | Soudan Dagger.rhino horn hilt.finely dec sheath with arm loop.  Kano|   | 1-6-0
28836 | Y/S | Soudan Dagger brass hilt & loop sheath.'TELLAK'.worn on left wrist.  Tuareg| 16-0
28837 | A/- | S.E. Africa Agricultural Hoe |   |   |  
28838 | M/GX/- | Mendi Ancient Figure in steatite. 8½" v. fine. |   | 10-10-0
28839 | I/- | Eskimo Harpoon light imperfect |   |   |   
28840 | I/- | Eskimo Harpoon light imperfect | H28/2-1-14 | 2-10-0
28841 | I/- | Eskimo Spear.Deer Lance  Point Barrow C| D10/5-8-13| 1-8-0
28842 | M/- | Canada Box of quill work. | H28/15-2-13 | 16-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2/5 2020 AW