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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]]

28425 | G/- | New Hebrides Club slender [[Image]] |   |   |  
28426 | G/- | New Hebrides Club slender [[Image]] |   |   |  
28427 | G/- | New Hebrides Axe. [[Image]] |   |   |  
28428 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] |   |   |   
28429 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] |   |   |  
28430 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] |   |   |  
28431 | G/- | New Hebrides Staff [[image]] |   |   |   
28432 | A/- | S. Cruz Adze. long shell head. 37/1 |[[R1/?]]1915| 1-12-6
28433 | G/- | Samoa Adze. v. small | K5/3-10-13 | 1-12-0
28434 | G/- | New Guinea Adze haft |   |   |   
28435 | GS/- | New Hebrides Model Adze.(White Ken 18/6  Mallicollo C| K5/1915 | 1-1-0 or 1-7-0
28436 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged |   |   |   
28437 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged |   |   |   
28438 | Y/- |Solomon Fishing Float.inlaid.damaged C|B21/17-2-13| 1-10-0
28439 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged |   |   |  
28440 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged |   |   |   
28441 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Club |   |   |   
28442 | G/- | Solomon Ceremonial Club plain. |   |   |  
28443 |  /- | Fiji Head Rest [[image]] C|   | 1-7-6
28444 | G/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth edged. |   |   |  
28445 | M/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] |   | 1-2-6
28446 | Y/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] |   | 16-0
28447 | G/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] |   |   |
28448 |  /- | N. Heb. Spatula } |   |   |   
28449 |  /- | N. Heb. Spatula } |   |   |   
28450 |  /- | N. Heb. Spatula } |   | 1-1-0  }  the 5 
28451 |  /- | N. Heb. Spatula } |   |   |  
28452 |  /- | N. Heb. Spatula } |   |   |
28453 | G/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes  Mallicolo| C30/3-2-13 | 18-0
28454 | G/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes  Mallicolo|   | 1-1-0
28455 | A/- | New Hebrides Mask |   |   |   
28456 | G/- | Samoa Tappa Beater. modern. |   |   |  
28457 | G/- | New Hebrides Coil Rope. [[image]]  Tanna|   |   |   
28458 | G/- | New Hebrides Coil Rope. [[image]]  Tanna|   | 7-6
28459 | G/- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles in carrier |   |   |   
28460 |  /- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles no carrier |   |   |   
28461 |  /- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles no carrier C|B21/17-2-13| 19-6 or 19-0
28462 |  /- | Solomon Single C.N. Water Bottle |   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2/1/2020 AW