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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30211 | G/- | Sumatra Woman's Head Ornament Nias I. C| S4/1915| 8-6
30212 | G/- | Ceylon Pali Palm leaf book. |S4/1915| 3-0
30213 | G/- | Sumatra Whistle. Battak|   |   |   
30214 | G/- |Sumatra Tinder Striker iron & tinder pouch.Battak|   | 6-6
30215 | A/A/- | Marquesas Club |   |   |   
30216 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. | S45/7-6-13| 5-0-0
30217 | GX/- | Fiji Club finely carved grip. |   |   |   
30218 | A/- | Fiji Club carved grip. |   |   |   
30219 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club. 1835 |   |   |   
30220 | G/-/- | Fiji Club. Sunflower type |   |   |   
30221 | G/-/- | Fiji Club. Sunflower type |   |   |   
30222 | GA/- | New Caledonia Club. bird type. 1865. |   |   |   
30223 | GA/- | Loyalty Club. 1865. |   |   |   
30224 | G/-/- | Liberia Fetish Figure.carved & coloured. Kru.| B21/14-6-13| 5-10-0
30225 | A/- | Philippine Kris & Sheath  Sulu|   |   
30226 | G/-/- | Eskimo Lance loose head. |   |   
30227 | Y/GY/S | England "Ferguesson" BL. FL Gun. restored | S40/2-4-13 | 10-10-0
30228 | A/-/- | England Double 'Tube Detonator' Gun| S40/2-4-13| 15-15-0
30229 | G/GX/- | England P.C all iron Gun. A Shenandoah Relic|   |   |   
30230 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL. DB. | B48/1915 | 3-10-0
30231 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL.DB.under & over with bayonet Paterick |   |   |   
30232 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL.DB. under & over with bayonet Dunderdale & Whitehouse| B48/14-2-16| 3-0-0
30233 | G/GA/- | England Pair FL. Pocket Pistols.silver butts|S40/16-12-13| 3-5-0
30234 | G/-/- | England Pair FL. Pocket Pistols.  D. EGG.|   |   |   
30235 | G/-/- | England Pair P.C. Pocket Pistols. DB. single trigger| H39/29-2-16| 2-10-0
30236 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | W35/1915 | 10-0
30237 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | E6/23-8-13 | 13-6
30238 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-6
30239 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-6
30240 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-0
30241 | GX/- | England Pair FL Pistols  H NOCK.| I4/17-5-13| 1-18-0
30242 | G/- | E. Africa Armlet. copper crotal |   |   |   
30243 | -/S | E. Africa Armlet. copper plain |   |   
30244 |  /- | Congo Armlet  Leopoldville|   |   |   
30245 |  /- | Congo Small Brush for nostrils |   |   |   
30246 |  /- | Ashanti Pipe Bowl |   |   |   
30247 |  /- | Ashanti Pipe Bowl |   |   |  
30248 |  /S | Ashanti Snuff Bottle. horn |   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2/18/2020 AW