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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30325 |  /- | Mozambique 2 Balls raw Rubber. | S50/20-3-16 | 6-0
30326 | Y/-/- | Bhotan Sword Belt. massive silver |   | 4-4-0
30327 | Y/A/- | Bhotan Fetish Figure. |   |   |   
30328 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. |   |   |  
30329 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. |   |   | 
30330 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. |   |   | 
30331 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. 5½ x 1½ |   | 8-6
30332 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. | [[W34/38-2-15?]] | 8-0 
30333 | G/GX/- | Indian Elephant Goad. massive iron inlaid brass|   | 
30334 | N/- | New Guinea Drum. |   |   |   
30335 | I/- | New Guinea Club. star head. |   |   |   
30336 | M/- | New Guinea Club. disc. |   |   |   
30337 | GX/- | New Guinea Breast Ornament |   |   |   
30338 | GX/- | New Guinea Breast Ornament  S.Brit N.G. C|   | 1-1-0
30339 | M/S | New Guinea Breast Ornament [[image]] |   |   |   
30340 |  /S | New Guinea Armlet [[image]] |   |   |   
30341 | S/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. |   |   |   
30342 | GX/- | New Guinea Ornament. Boar Tusk. C|   | 1-7-6
30343 | G/I/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Drum  Diadu|   |   |   
30344 | A/- | New Guinea Adze. haft. v. large. [[image]]|   |   | 
30345 | GX/- | Australia Large Sword. [[image]] |   |   |  
30346 | Y/S | Fiji Belt Club |   |   |   
30347 | Y/S | Fiji Belt Club |   |   |  
30348 | A/- |      Rasp of Fish Skin. |   |   |  
30349 | GT/- | Assam Helmet.  Singpho C| S35/1915 | 1-18-6
30350 | A/- | W. Africa Sword & Sheath.  Mandingo|   | 1-10-0
30351 | G/- | Zanzibar Short Sword. |   |   |   
30352 | T/S | Zanzibar Pair Ear Rings silver | L12/10-1-13 | 1-0-0
30353 | S/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. tortoise shell | B16/19-7-13 | 1-8-0
30354 | N/- | Solomon Belt |   |   |   
30355 | N/- | Solomon Belt |   |   | 
30356 | N/- | Solomon Necklet |   |   |   
30357 | N/- | Solomon Necklet |   |   |
30358 | N/- | Solomon Necklet teeth |   |   |
30359 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. |   |   |   
30360 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. |   |   | 
30361 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. |   |   | 
30362 | Y/- | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow head |   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2-20-2020 AW