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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30401 | M/GX/- | Germany. Pair of FL. Pistols | S40/23-6-13 | 7-5-0
30402 | GX/- | India Mace. silver gilt [[image]] |   | 3-3-0
30403 | GI/- | India Kukri silver mounts. |   | 4-4-0
30404 | Y/-/- | India Sword. fine gold damasceened hilt. |   | 4-10-0
30405 | G/-/- |India Dagger.silver sheath.carved wood hilt. C|   | 2-2-0
30406 | G/GA/- | Europe XVI Cent Morion |   |  3-3-0
30407 | G/GA/- | Europe XVI Cent Morion |   |  3-10-0
30408 | GM/S | Europe Needle Rifle with sliding bayonet. |   |   |
30409 | GX/- | Europe B.L Rifle.  Richards.|   |   |
30410 | GX/- | Europe B.L Rifle. sliding barrel. |   |   |
30411 | Y/GX/- | Europe Case FL Pistols by Mortimer. |   |   |
30412 | G/A/- | Europe Forsyth Detonating Block & primer |   |   |
30413 | Y/-/- | Europe FL Blunderbuss. |   |   |
30414 | G/-/- | Europe FL Pistol |   |   |
30415 | A/  | Europe Police Staff | W31/1-1-13 | 10-0
30416 | M/- | Europe P.C Pistol | E6/29-4-13 | 14-0
30417 | Y/GX/- | Gilbert Cuirass with sting ray skin back & Fish Helmet |   |   |
30418 | G/-/- | New Britain Club. dec feathers |   |   |
30419 | GX/- | New Hanover Club carved. |   |   |
30420 | GX/- | N. American Sheath dec beads. | W1/7-7-13 | 15-0
30421 | GT/- | Venice Gondola Staff. dec. |   | 1-5-0
30422 | C/- | Europe Rapier.watered blade.  XVIII Cent.| C7/19-12-12| 18-0
30423 | T/- | New Zealand Paddle plain. |   |   |
30424 | M/- | Liberia Sceptre |   |   |
30425 | N/- |  Easter I ? Working Adze-head. | 28/- | 1-12-6
30426 | Y/S | S.E. Africa Snuff Bottle carved. |   |   |
30427 | T/GX/- | Brit: Columbia Club whale bone | B44/20-10-13 | 9-0-0
30428 | M/-/- | New Zealand Onewa. v. fine |   |   |
30429 | M/GX/- | Tonga Club finely carved all over| B31/24-12-13| 6-6-0
30430 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club finely carved all over round. |   |   |
30431 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure | L21/10-3-13 | 1-4-0
30432 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure black. | W1/1915 | 1-1-0
30433 | A/- | French Congo Fetish Animal C| S4/15-2-16 | [[1-2-0?]]
30434 | Y/A/- | F.Congo Fetish Mask. horns, projecting eyes C|   | 3-7-6
30435 | GX/GX/- | Benin Head bronze | B44/13-2-13 | 15-0-0
30436 | GI/-/- | Europe Wheellock Pistol.ball butt.inlaid,slightly restored. Saxon| S40/23-6-13| 26-10-0
30437 | YX/-/- | Europe Powder Magazine. Saxon | R6/25-2-13 | 34-0-0
30438 | N/- | Burmah Dha | W34/30-1-15 | 8-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2-20-2020 AW