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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30553 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | C7/16-4-13 | 11-0
30554 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   | 18-6 
30555 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   |   |      
30556 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   | 18-6 
30557 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   |   |  
30558 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   |   |  
30559 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   |   | 
30560 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   | 17-6  
30561 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled |   |   |  
30562 | M/GX/- | Europe Revolving FL. Gun. |   |   | 
30563 | I/S | Andaman Bow. |   |   | 
30564 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai | B45/6-10-13 | 3-0  
30565 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai |   |   |   
30566 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai |   |   |   
30567 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai |   |   |   
30568 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. v. finely finished. |   |   | 
30569 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. smaller |   |   |
30570 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. smaller |   |   | 
30571 | G/- | Malay Spear | S35/21-10-16 | 9-0   
30572 | G/- | Malay Spear |   |   |   
30573 | M/S | S. India Drum. [[image]] |   | 12-6 
30574 | G/S | S. India Drum. [[image]] |   |   | 
30575 | A/S | New Hebrides Club [[image]] |   |   | 
30576 | M/S | S.W. Africa Fetish Staff |   |   | 
30577 | N/- | W. Africa Weaving Stick carved End. |   |   | 
30578 | Y/- | Solomon Staff carv ?(Broken spear) Bougainville |   |   |
30579 | S/- | E. Africa Spear Masai | J12/4-7-14 | 18-0   
30580 | GN/- | India Helmet | C7/2-9-13 | 1-5-0 
30581 | M/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. disc |   |   | 
30582 | S/- | New Guinea Club. carved |   |   |  
30583 | S/- | New Guinea Club. carved |   |   | 
30584 | Y/- | New Guinea Pipe dec: |   |   | 
30585 | S/- | N. Australia Sword. |   |   | 
30586 | S/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. bound human hair. rare |   | 1-12-6  
30587 | S/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. bound human hair. rare |   | 1-8-6   
30588 | A/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. plain |   |   |  
30589 | A/- | N. Queensland Boomerang. carved. v. large |   | 1-5-0
30590 | G/- | N. Hebrides Arrows. large bundle. 3 doz. | J12/4-7-14 | 18-0