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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

31047 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced |   | 14-0
31048 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced |   | 14-0
31049 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0
31050 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0
31051 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced |   | 10-0
31052 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced |   | 11-0
31053 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer | W22/19-7-13 | 6-0
31054 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0
31055 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer  signed | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0
31056 | T/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0
31057 | G/- | Japan Tsuba plain. | W22/19-7-13 | 2-0
31058 | T/- | Japan Mizouri. fine. iron. | D9/25-9-13 | 1-1-0
31059 | Y/- | Japan Mizouri. copper. mask |   |   |
31060 | G/- | Japan Mizouri. copper. hollow |   | 6-6
31061 | GX/- | Japan Double barrelled Bronze P.C Pistol 8-1/2 |   |
31062 | M/A/- | Japan 5 Netsuki.Tibet Diety & Dorge Dagger| W22/30-4-13 | 3-17-0
31063 | S/- | Nepal Sacrificial Vessel & Spoon | S21/28-12-13 | 1-1-0
31064 | -/S | China Kaylin. bronze. |   | 14-0
31065 | -/S | Japan Pen & Ink Case. copper. |   |   |
31066 |  /- | Japan Iron Box & Pipe. |   |   |
31067 | Y/Y/- | Philippine Armour of Cariboo horn & mail L12-12-0 with clasps |   | 7-15-0
31068 | N/N/- | Persia Beggar's Bowl,6 Knockers & Carved Chinese Table | W22/30-4-13| 4-15-0
31069 | M/GX/- | Japan 6 Iuros & 19 Fuchi. | W22/30-4-13| 4-11-0
31070 | G/Y/- | Admiralty Bowl. carved figures on handles. |   |   |
31071 | G/GY/S | India Musical Instrument. Crocodile. L:1m 14cm C|   | 3-10-0
31072 | G/-/- | Benin Bird Staff. | K4/19-6-13 | 2-0-0
31073 | N/- | Congo Knife [[image]]  Mangebettu|   |   |
31074 | A/- | Fiji Paddle Club. |   |   |
31075 | M/- | Harvey Paddle. |   |   |
31076 | M/- | Harvey Paddle. |   |   |
31077 | Y/S | S. America 4 Bow & 12 Arrows  E.Bolivia Chiquitos| J12/ 3-3-13 | 1-10-0
31078 | -/S | S. America Bow & 3 Arrows.  Chiquitos| J12/3-3-13 | 2-6
31079 | G/- |S.America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows.  Chiquitos| S43/19-3-13| 3-6
31080 | G/- | S. America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows.  Chiquitos|   | 14/0
31081 | G/- | S. America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows.  Toba| J12/3-3-13 | 15-0
31082 | T/- | Congo Ivory Carving. |   |   |
31083 |  /- | Congo Ivory Armlet |   |   |
31084 |  /- | Congo Ivory Armlet |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 2-27-2020 AW