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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]]

30667 | N/- | India Axe. [[image]]  Chota Nagpur Orissia|   | 1-5-0
30668 | T/S | England P.C. Pistol with bayonet. | E6/23-8-13 | 18-6
30669 | A/- | B. New Guinea Breast Ornament. [[image]] C|    | 12-6
30670 | GG/- | India Mace. |   |   |   
30671 | S/- | India Katar. well shaped handle [[image]] C| S35/20-12-13| 1-12-6
30672 | G/- |        inlaid wood. |   |   |   
30673 | Y/- | W. Australia [[3?]] boomerangs. v.fine See No. 30933-4 | M35/10-11-14| 14-0
30674 | I/- | E. Indies Sword. carved horn handle. C | S35/20-12-13 | 1-1-0
30675 | GY/- | India 12 Arrows. | J12/3-3-13 | 12-0
30676 | G/GX/- | England FL. Gun by BAKER with extra barrel. |   |   |   
30677 | A/- | Ceylon Arrow.  Veddha | J12/3-3-13 | 8-0
30678 | N/- | W. Africa Bow. fur grip.  B.Congo | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0
30679 | A/A/- | England gun by WALLIS for Flint & P.C. | S40/23-6-13 | 16-10-0 
30680 | A/- | E. Africa Bow. [[image]] | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0-0
30681 | G/- | E. Africa 3 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 2-6
30682 | A/- | E. Africa Powder Flask. [[image]] horn. |   |   |   
30683 | GG/S | India Katar. very thick blade. sheath.  C |   | 2-5-0
30684 | T/S | Java Tobacco Pipe. horn. |   |   |   
30685 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. top damaged [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C|   | 1-8-0
30686 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. perfect [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 |   |   |   
30687 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. perfect [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C |   | 1-12-6
30688 | T/- | W. Africa. Sword & sheath [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 |   | 1-15-0
30689 | T/- | W. Africa. Dagger & sheath [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C |   | 1-8-6
30690 | T/- | W. Africa. Throwing Knife  Lokoja Expd 1902-3 |   | 1-1-0
30691 | A/- | W. Africa. Loom Comb  Lokoja Expd 1902-3 |   | 17-6
30692 | A/- | Tibet [[Layman?]] Hat. cane covered coloured wools |   | 2-2-0
30693 | N/- | Tibet Pair Wrist Rattles. nuts | C28/13-11-13 | 16-0
30694 | Y/S | Tibet ? Tree Climber |   | 10-6
30695 | Y/S | Tibet ? Tree Climber |   |   |   
30696 | A/- | Tibet Buddha. gilt |   |   |   
30697 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | K5/3-10-13 | 7-0
30698 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0
30699 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0
30700 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0
30701 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. |   |   |   
30702 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6
30703 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6
30704 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6