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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

31845 | GA/- | Borneo Parang Duntok silver mounted. |   | 1-12-6
31846 | S/- | S. America Drum. v large with extra top. Puta mayo R |   | 2-18-0
31847 | S/- | S. America Club [[image]] binding Brazil C |   | 2-5-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-10-0[[/strikethrough]]
31848 | N/- | S. America  Bow |   | 18-6
31849 | Y/S | B. New Guinea Bull Roarer. (Aroholo) Ilema. |   | 12-6
31850 | Y/- | B. New Guinea Dagger. bone. Ilema. |   |   
31851 | T/- | Assam Axe. Naga. |   |   
31852 | T/S |  Assam Axe. smaller Naga. |   |   
31853 | G/G/- | Australia Sword. Scrub natives. Victoria |   |   
31854 | A/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads [[image]] B. Guinana |   | 6-0
31855 | M/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads v. small 5" x 3" |   | 7-6
31856 | M/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads v. small |   | 6-6
31857 | M/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. [[image]] |   | 7-6
31858 | M/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. |   | 6-0
31859 | Y/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. not so fine |   | 4-0
31860 | Y/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. not so fine |   | 4-0
31861 | GX/- | Solomon Spear. inlaid. |   | 1-1-0
31862 | M/-/- | New Zealand Club. "Wahaika." damaged. fine figure. |   |   
31863 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Club Tewhatewa Extremely large specimen |   | 5-0-0
31864 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. |   |   
31865 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. |   |   
31866 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. |   |   
31867 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. |   |   
31868 | G/- | Tonga Comb. damaged. old. |   | 12-0  
31869 | T/- | Fiji Lalis. Drum. |   | 14-0
31870 | T/- | Australia Message Stick N. Queensland | K5/1915 | 8-0
31871 | A/- | Australia Message Stick |   | 
31872 | N/- | Australia Message Stick |   | 10-6
31873 | M/- | Solomon Armlet. shell. |   |   
31874 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet. Turbo shell. |   |   
31875 | /- | India Set of glass bangles |   |   
31876 | /- | India Deity. brass Ganesha |   | 2-0
31877 | /- | India Deity. plaster |   | 3-0
31878 | S/- | Pair v. small Rhino Horns on skin. |   |   
31879 | GA/- | Figure sheet brass on face |   |   
31880 | M/- | Gaboon Cross Bow Stock. Fan. |   |   
31881 | Y/- | Gaboon Sickle Sword. |   |   
31882 | G/G/- | N.W. Australia Spear Thrower. carved. fine. |   |