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[[5 column table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

31579 | G/-/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer v. large. |   |   |   
31580 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. later | C28/22-1-14 | 1-16-0
31581 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. |   |   |   
31582 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. |   |   |   
31583 | C/- | Cent. Australia Bull Roarer |   | 1-12-6
31584 | C/- | Cent. Australia Bull Roarer | K5/22-1-14 | 1-2-6
31585 | M/- | S. Africa Charm Necklet. carved horn [[&c?]] |   |   |   
31586 | Y/S | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern |   |   |  
31587 | N/S | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern not so fine |   |   |  
31588 | M/- | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern |   |   |  
31589 | M/- | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern |   |   |  
31590 | S/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. beaded. old. |   |   |  
31591 | G/- | N. America Pair Ear Rings |   |   |   
31592 | Y/-/- | India Dagger. v. fine. large lunet pommel. [[image]] |   | 5-10-0
31593 | T/- | India Bow Composite. original silk cord |   | 1-2-6
31594 | T/- | India Bow Composite. Turkish |   |   |   
31595 | S/- | India Bow Composite. v old quite sound original silk cord |   | 1-5-0
31596 | N/- | Congo Pottery Bowl with wood peg. Phoké Bakuba. C |   | 14-0
31597 | Y/- | Japan Tobacco Box. Kidney shaped |   |   
31598 | Y/- | Japan Tobacco Box. Kidney shaped |   |   
31599 | G/A/- | Europe Wheel-lock | S40/1915 | 2-2-0
31600 | A/- | Europe Patent lock. screw feed to flint |   |   |  
31601 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. |   |   |  
31602 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. |   |   | 
31603 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. |   | 7-6
31604 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. defective | E6/1-1-13 | 3-0
31605 | GX/S | Europe P.C Pistol with bayonet | J12/3-2-16 | 1-1-0
31606 | A/GX/- | Scotch F.L. Pistol. all steel | S40/1915 | 9-3-8
31607 | M/GA/- | Europe 7 barrelled F.L. Air Gun. | S40/16-12-13 | 8-11-0
31608 |   |   |   |   |  
31609 | I/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. signed arrows. damasca [[bonds?]] | W22/13-10-13 | 1-10-0
31610 | S/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. books on basket | W22/13-10-13 | 1-14-0
31611 | A/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. basket work| W22/13-10-13 | 1-1-0
31612 |   | Pottery Vessel. Waran T? Pomeroon R. Brit Guiania. C. |   | 16-0
31613 | M/- | Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed | W22/13-10-13 | 16-0
31614 | M/- | R Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed | F17/25-11-13 | 14-0
31615 | M/- | R Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed |   | 10-0
31616 | Y/- | Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes unsigned. | W22/13-10-13 | 12-6