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[[5 Column Table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

32111 | G/- | Tibet Round iron Box encased in hide |   | 10-0
32112 | N/- | Tibet Pair Stirrups chiselled iron partly gilt. | S35/20-12-13 | 1-7-6
32113 | GX/- | Tibet Tea Cup Case tooled iron. v. old fine piece.  |   | 2-7-6
32114 | GX/- | Tibet Mask. silver mts.  |   | [[strikethrough]] 1-5-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-12-6
32115 | M/- | Tibet Saddle Pocket. decorated. |   | 10-0
32116 | -/S | Bhotan Water Carrier. Section bamboo covd grass work. bound copper | S21/28-12-13 | 8-0
32117 | -/S | Bhotan Water Carrier. Section bamboo covd grass work. plain |   | 5-0
32118 | -/S | Bhotan Cushion. basket work. [[image]] |   | 5-0
32119 | -/S | Bhotan Cushion. basket work. [[image]] smaller |   | 4-0
32120 | S/- | Tibet Collection of 6 pairs Boots & Shoes. some very rare. | S21/28-12-13 | 2-2-0
32121 | M/- | Tibet Collection of 3 Hats. Chinese types. | S21/28-12-13 | 14-0
32122 | Y/GA/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff Sundial. silver mounted. |   | 5-10-0
32123 | Y/Gx/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff smaller but exceedingly fine. |   | 6-6-0
32124 | GA/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff carved. no mounts. | S21/28-12-13 | 2-15-0
32125 | A/- | Tibet Tinder Pouch large. old |   | 1-2-6
32126 | Y/- | Tibet Tinder Pouch smaller. old. |   | 12-6
32127 | A/- | Tibet Pen case pierced & gilt iron. v. fine like Jap:'Namban' | S35/20-12-13 | 2-10-0
32128 | Y/- | Tibet Pen case pierced white metal |   | 1-1-0
32129 | M/- | Tibet Pen case & small copper Ink Bottle. silver mts |   | 1-1-0
32130 | A/- | Tibet Ink Bottle. copper silver mounts. ex fine |   | 1-12-6
32131 | M/- | Tibet Ink Bottle. copper. smaller |   | 14-0
32132 | A/- | Tibet Harness Mounts 5. iron damasceened silver. |   | 1-1-0
32133 | G/- | Tibet Fish Hooks & line. | S21/28-12-13 | 6-0
32134 | A/- | Tibet Shrine. Eleven headed Kwan yin. Massive slate slab carved in relief & coloured |   | 4-15-0
32135 | Y/- | Tibet Model Temple with great number of shrines with doors & clay deities. |   | 2-2-0
32136 | G/GX/- | Tibet Set of Soldier's Charms. 3 fine large copper cases |   | 5-5-0
32137 | G/GX/- | Tibet Set of Soldiers' Charms. 3 smaller copper cases |   | 4-4-0
32138 | I/- | Tibet Charm Case copper [[image]] large. |   | 2-2-0
32139 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. copper & brass. v. old. [[image]] |   | 1-15-0
32140 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. copper v. old. [[image]] |   | 1-7-6
32141 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. brass smaller [[image]] |   | 11-0
32142 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity silver front with seal |   | 2-2-0
32143 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity silver front with seal |   | 2-2-0
32144 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity brass with seal |   | 1-7-6
32145 | C/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. covered leather. |   | 1-10-0
32146 | C/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. silver. v. fine. plain handle. |   | 2-10-0
32147 | N/- | Tibet Prayer Propeller. wood covd inscription | S4/1915  | 1-7-6
32148 | G/- | Tibet A letter form Monastery. in bamboo case. | S21/28-12-13| 5-0