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[[5 Column Table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

32529 | GX/- | North America Hair Frame.wood.  Hopi|   | 1-1-0
32530 | Y/-/- | North America Flute.  Chippewa Wisconsin|   | 4-0-0
32531 | GX/- | North America Knife. copper blade, lead handle.  N.W. Alaska|   | 1-1-0
32532 | Y/-/- | North America Saddle.wood covd skin.  Sioux|   | 3-15-0
32533 | G/-/- | North America Dance Rattle Tortoise shell & hoof. Moquix. Airzona| F24/12-1-14| 2-12-6
32534 | G/-/- | North America Dance Rattle Tortoise shell & hoof. Moquix. Airzona|   | 2-5-0
32535 | C/-/- | New Zealand Tattooing Implement Box| B16/1-1-14| 16-0-0
32536 | A/- | Solomon Staff. curious. highly polished wood |   | 1-5-0
32537 | G/GX/- | Tibet. Quiver & Bow Case. | S35/20-12-13 Stone| 4-4-0
32538 | G/GX/- | Nepal Kora & sheath silver mounted. C| S35/20-12-13 | 4-14-0
32539 | G/GX/- | Nepal Kora & sheath silver present only|   | 4-4-0
32540 | GY/- | Java Sword & sheath of one piece C|   | 1-8-6
32541 | G/-/- | Java Kris silver sheath C| S35/20-12-13 | 2-12-6
32542 | GX/- | Java Kris broad blade.silver mount curious watering C|   | 18-6
32543 | G/GX/- | Afghan or Persia FL. Gun deep stock [[image]] 62" |   | 4-4-0
32544 | G/Y/S | S. America Gold Ornament. | W1/29-2-16 | 3-18-6
32545 | Y/-/- |India Spear.all chiselled steel. C| S35/20-12-13 | 4-4-0
32546 | GT/S | S. India Processional Spear 'Ballam' Vizianagram C|   | 2-2-0
32547 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. |   |   |
32548 | M/-/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. |   | 5-10-0
32549 | Y/GX/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. |   | 4-15-0
32550 | G/-/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. |   | 2-2-0
32551 | G/-/- | Brit: Columbia Spoon. horn. carved. |   | 2-2-0
32552 | GA/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. bone back. | F9/18-2-14| 1-5-0
32553 | A/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. barb of iron. |   | 10-6
32554 | G/-/- | India 24 Arrows. |   |   |
32555 | G/-/- | Borneo Sword. Parang Ilang,no sheath.  Dyak|   | 1-15-0
32556 | NX/-/- | Tibet. Apron of carved human bone. C|   | 52-10-0
32557 | Y/-/- | Tibet. Bone Charm. (portion of an apron) C|   | 3-15-0
32558 | GY/-/- | Tibet. Shell Trumpet. copper gilt mount set coral C|   | 26-10-0
32559 | G/-/- | Tibet. Thigh bone Trumpet covered copper|   | 4-4-0
32560 | GA/- | Tibet. Hair Ornament. ivory Chichose?|   | 1-15-0
32561 | G/GX/- | Tibet. Wine Flask large. horn. brass mts C|   | 3-17-6
32562 | A/- | Tibet. Charm Box |   | 16-0
32563 | G/-/- | Tibet. Dorge |   | 1-5-0
32564 | G/-/- | Tibet. Exorcising Dagger. v. fine specimen |   | 5-5-0
32565 | A/- | Tibet. Tinder Pouch |   |   |
32566 | A/- | Tibet. Buddha. brass. copper base |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 3-8-2020 AW