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[[5 Column Table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

32605 | G/GX/- | English Fireman's Helmet. leather. Early XVIII Cent. 1710 C |   | 2-12-6
32606 | GY/S | 2 Rhino Horns 15½ x 17½ dia & 10½ x 14. |   | 1-17-6
32607 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. |   |   |
32608 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook. |   |   |   
32609 | C/GA/- | New Zealand Teki. arm supporting head. |   | 30-0-0
32610 | GX/- | Eskimo Necklet 5 Seals [[?]] ivory. |   |   |   
32611 | S/- | India Powder Primer. horn & ivory chipped. | S35/27-3-14 | 12-6
32612 | G/GX/- | India Arm Guard. |   | 3-10-0
32613 | M/-/- | India Shield. v. transparent C | S35/20-12-13 | 6-15-0
32614 | G/A/- | India Spear copper repousse mts. v. fine. C | S35/20-12-13 | 5-15-0
32615 | G/A/- | India Spear [[paveil?]] gilt C | S35/20-12-13 | 4-4-0
32616 | Y/-/- | India Axe. [[paveil?]]l gilt C |   | 4-4-0
32617 | Y/-/- | India Axe Knife [[paveil?]] gilt C | S35/20-12-13 | 5-5-0
32618 | GX/- | India FL. Blunderbuss. [[EIC?]] Lock 1802 C | S35/27-3-14 | 3-5-0 
32619 | GS/- | Congo Charm ivory. |   | 1-7-6
32620 | S/-/- | Easter Island Figure Price of painted one in 1908 |   | 26-10-0
32621 | G/GX/- | Bronze Age Celt. Orvieto. Italy. |B48/1915  | 3-10-0
32622 | GY/S | Bronze Age Celt. Faversham Kent. |   | 2-2-0
32623 | G/A/- | Bronze Age Celt. Clara Kings Co: 1870 |   | 5-5-0
32624 | GA/- | Bronze Age Dagger Blade. Clara Kings Co: 1870(-2. |   | 3-3-0
32625 | GA/- | Liberia Helmet of basket work Kru. |   | 1-8-0
32626 | GA/- | Liberia Helmet of basket work Kru. | W22/16-6-16 | 1-15-0
32627 | GA/- | Liberia Mask. black wood. | S4/15-2-16 | 1-4-0
32628 | GA/- | Liberia Figure black wood. 24" high | S4/1914 | 1-5-0
32629 | GX/- | S.W. Africa Bow with horn trophies. | [[written over original]] J12/4-1-14 [[written over original]] S | 4-4-0
32630 | T/S | Congo. Bowman's Arm Guard Lake Tanganyika |   | 12-6
32631 | T/S | Congo. Bowman's Arm Guard Lake Tanganyika |   | 12-6
32632 | G/GA/- | Congo. War Horn Ivory. Lake Tanganyika | S4/1915 | 1-18-0
32633 | G/-/- | New Britain Staff [[image]] |   |   |   
32634 | G/GA/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. See Cat 42. |   | 2-12-6
32635 | G/GA/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. 12" high |   | 2-7-6
32636 | G/-/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. |   | 1-16-0
32637 | G/-/- | German New Guinea Head Rest. |   |   |   
32638 | G/-/- | German New Guinea Pounder. Figure on top. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0
32639 | GT/S | German New Guinea Meat Hook. [[image]] |   |   |   
32640 | GY/S | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. [[image]] |   |   |  
32641 | GT/S | Brit. New Guinea Head Rest. fine bird [[?]] design |   |   | 
32642 | Y/GX/- | Admiralty Girl's Dress fine cut shell work |   |   |