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[[5 Printing Blocks (for charms?) labelled 32212,32213,32214,32215 and 32216]]

[[5 Column Table]]
[[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]]

32149 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. ex fine. to print 5 separate charms 46 x 14 |   | 3-3-0
32150 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms to print 2  21 x 18 |   | 2-10-0
32151 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms 2  21 x 21 |   | 2-10-0
32152 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. Wealth Cha 1  17 x 16cm |   | 1-17-6
32153 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 1 human fig. 19 x 14 |S21/28-12-13| 1-2-6
32154 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 1 hand. 19 x 12 |   | 1-7-6
32155 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 2 small one. 19 x 13 |   | 1-2-6
32156 | M/-/- | Tibet Book Cover.massive wood elaborately carved.74 x 31 x 3.50 thick. v.old 3 large & 26 small att: deities|   | 7-18-0
32157 | -/S | Tibet Small Book. printed & written| S21/28-12-13| 12-6
32158 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. | S4/1915 | 7-6
32159 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. printed | S4/1915 | 7-6
32160 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. written MSS. | S4/1915 | 10-6
32161 |  /- | Tibet Bundle of writings | S4/1915| 6-0 or 1-6-0
32162 | A/- | Tibet Chalis silver.pierced repousee work at base [[image]] 10cm x 10cm 8p [[lotus?]] |F17/13-11-13| 3-10-0
32163 | G/- | Tibet Tea Cup & Cover silver. v.fine specimen| F17/13-11-13| 1-10-0
32164 |  /- | Tibet Tea Cup & Cover silver mt only no cover|S21/28-12 -13| 5-0
32165 | G/- | Tibet Skull Bowl with gilt dorge top.silver base |   | 2-5-0
32166 | Y/- | Tibet. Hat Ornament silver. coral at top |   | 18-0
32167 | M/- | Tibet Lime Box solid silver.very fine.part gilt.set turquoise| F17/13-11-13| 2-5-0
32168 | M/- | Tibet Lime Box solid silver. very fine| F17/13-11-13 | 2-0-0
32169 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work. silver emblem|   | 1-1-0
32170 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work. silver? emblem |   | 18-6
32171 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work.silver emblem & chain |   | 1-1-0
32172 | G/- | Tibet. Lime Box brass. & copper. |   | 12-6
32173 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box silver different form| F17/13-11-13| 
32174 | G/- | Tibet. Charm Box silver [[image]] |   | 1-1-0
32175 | G/- | Tibet. Pair Armlets silver dragon ends [[image]] |   | 1-5-0
32176 | Y/- | Tibet. Pair Armlets silver chain v. heavy 8 ozs. |   | 1-8-6
32177 | G/- | Tibet Set Chop Sticks.shagreen.fine old set|S21/28-12-13 | 16-0
32178 | G/- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. iron fret. not so old|   | 14-0
32179 |  /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. |   | 5-0
32180 |  /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. |   | 4-0
32181 |  /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. |   | 3-0
32182 | G/- | Tibet. Knife in case old set with stones. |   | 12-6
32183 |  /- | Tibet. Butter Lamp. brass |   | 5-0
32184 |  /- | Tibet. Skull Cup & Cover. rough brass modern |   | 7-6
32185 |  /- | Tibet. Skull Cup & Cover. rough brass modern |   | 6-0
32186 |     | Tibet. Sac: Vessel rough brass [[image]] modern | S21/ 28-12-13 | 6-0

Transcription Notes:
Note printing blocks for charms at top of page above ledger (see also Stock No. 32149)- associated? >> Looks like 32149 to 32156 Proofread 3/7/2020 AW