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[[stamped]]Webster Collection[[/stamped]]

[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

34923 | /- | W. Africa Comb Biskra |   |   
34924 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure Biskra | W1/1915 | 1-4-0
34925 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure Biskra |   | 2-2-0
34926 | G/-/- | W. Africa Pair Figures covered with red Biskra | S4/1915 | 2-0-0
34927 | -/S | W. Africa Pair Armlets inlaid wire Biskra |   |   
34928 | M/- | W. Africa Throwing Knife. |   |   
34929 | N/- | W. Africa Rattle "Shegura" very large. Sierra Leone |   | 1-12-6
34930 | /- | E. Africa Armlet of Rhino horn [[image]] Wakomba Masai |   | 18-6
34931 | /- | E. Africa Pair Ear Extenders. |   |   
34932 | /- | E. Africa Iron Hip Dancing Bell. |   |   
34933 | /- | E. Africa Neck Ornament |   |   
34934 | /- | E. Africa Ear Extender |   |   
34935 | /- | E. Africa Charm Necklet horn tips |   |   
34936 | /- | E. Africa Neck Ring hide & beads. |   |   
34937 | /- | E. Africa Hair Spike of wood used to scratch scalp | L12/1915 | 6-0
34938 | Y/A/- | N. America Indian Cradle. |   | 4-15-0
34939 | Y/- | N. America Skin Jacket. modern. | G16/1915 | 1-8-0
34940 | I/- | N. America Fine Belt Quill work | H28/1915 | 10-10-0
34941 | S/- | N. America Hand Wand. horn attachments. | H28/1915 | 3-0-0
34942 | M/- | N. America Hand Wand. smaller | H28/1915 | 1-1-0
34943 | T/S | N. America Head Dress. bear claws of copper. | H28/1915 | 3-10-0
34944 | T/S | N. America Collar. bear's claws. | H28/1915 | 3-10-0
34945 | A/- | Eskimo Necklet. ivory buttons | H28/1915 | 1-1-0
34946 | I/- | Eskimo Fishing Tackle. 3 ivory hooks & line. |   | 3-10-0
34947 | /- | Eskimo Woman's Scraper | H28/1915 | 1-5-0 
34948 | N/- | Lapp Knife bone sheath. very old. |   |   
34949 | N/- | Lapp Knife bone sheath. very old. |   |   
34950 | G/- | Lapp Toggle |   | 7-6
34951 | Y/S | Japan Drum. [[image]] |   | 16-6
34952 | G/S | India Skin Water Bottle. |   |   
34953 | M/- | India War Quoit |   |   
34954 | M/- | India War Quoit |   |    
34955 | G/- | Japan Shield lac work |   |   
34956 | G/- | Japan Shield lac work |   |   
34957 | -/S | East Indies Pali Book | S4/1915 | 10-0
34958 | -/S | East Indies Pali Book | S4/1915 | 10-0
34959 | G/- | India C.N. Husker |   |   
34960 | G/- | India C.N. Husker C |   | 3-6