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[[5 column table]]

[[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]]

35607 | N/- | Early Lighter. silver box. |   |   
35608 | Y/-/- | India Dagger hilt. jade. horse head. | D15/18-3-16 | 11-15-0
35609 | Y/A/- | India Dagger hilt. jade. inlaid silver |   | 10-10-0
35610 | G/-/- | India Sheath Mount inlaid gold & jewelled. |   | 2-10-0
35611 | G/GA/- | India Divan Dagger Hilt. inlaid gold & jewelled. | D15/17-1-16 | 7-15-0
35612 | T/S | India Shield; iron brass bosses, inscription. |   | 2-2-0
35613 | M/S | Japan Knife. [[image]] |   | 10-6
35614 | T/S | England FL Blunderbuss Pistol. RYAN & WATSON |   |   
35615 | N//- | England Case of Duelling Pistols. WESTLEY RICHARDS |   |   
35616 | G/-/- | England F.L Picket Pistol. silver mask BUNNEY | B48/14-2-16 | 1-12-6
35617 | G/-/- | England Pair v. small Pocket Pistols. Lord Byron | B48/1915 | 2-0-0
35618 | G/-/- | England Powder Tester. brass |   |   
35619 | G/-/- | England FL Tinder box. |   |   
35620 | GY/S | England FL Tinder box. defective |   |  
35621 | GX/- | England FL Tinder box. defective |   |  
35622 | GG/- | French FL Pistol. flat-iron butt. | E6/1915 | 17-6
35623 | S/- | England FL Pistol. GILLETT. |   |   
35624 | M/- | England FL Pistol. RICHARDS | E6/7-11-16 | 8-0
35625 | S/- | England FL Pistol. plated silver. pocket type |   |   
35626 | M/- | England FL Pistol. PONTEN. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6
35627 | M/- | England FL Pistol. AYERS. pocket type |   |   
35628 | M/- | England FL Pistol. ARCHER. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6
35629 | M/- | England FL Pistol. GOODWIN. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 6-6
35630 | N/- | England FL Pistol. Unusual form pocket type |   |   
35631 | I/S | England Pair P.C Pistols. NOCK. | W35/25-7-16 | 1-2-0
35632 | T/S | Belgian Pair P.C Pistols. | E6/1915 | 17-6
35633 | I/S | Belgian Pair P.C Pistols. in case. | E6/1915 | 1-5-0
35634 | GY/GX/- | England 4 barrelled Pistol. GOODWIN | S40/1915 | 17-10-0
35635 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. |   | 7-6
35636 | M/S | Solomon Club. v. fine binding [[image]] |   | 18-0
35637 | G/GX/S | Europe Copy 14 Cent Helm Ex Londesborough Colln } Collection of the late C.T.D. Crews DL., J.P., FRS Bllingbear Park Workingham | } |   
35638 | Y/GY/S | Europe Copy 14 Cent Helm [[image]] } | } | 15-15-0
35639 | GM/GM/- | Europe Pair Wheel-lock Pistols } | S40/1915 | 25-0-0
35640 | C/GG/- | Europe Wheel-lock Rifle. stock inlaid } | S40/1915 | 16-5-0
35641 | GS/- | India Pair of Chausse. (Trousers) Rivetted | S35/28-6-16 | 3-3-0
35642 | A/GX/- | India Rapier fine European blade. gilt lac hilt Ex Duke of Sussex Colln. Londesborough C.T.D. Crews Travanen [[strikethrough]]Malabar[[/strikethrough]] | S35/28-6-16 Sold | 10-10-0
35643 | Y/GX/- | England Case of F.L. Pistols by Clarke |   |   
35644 | N/- | British Columbia Clapper. [[image]] K |   |